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Facilitator Club

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72 contributions to Facilitator Club
Music 🎵
Curious how people approach having music playing in the background during their workshops. • Do you put a lot of energy into designing a playlist? • Does it depend on the group with whom you're working? Feel free to share your thoughts! I included a link to a new song I discovered this week. Enjoy!
New comment Sep '23
Music 🎵
2 likes • Sep '23
Hi @Leah Zipperstein I only use music during the start of my sessions before kick off time and during times where people are working "Together Alone" which is also a nice/soft way of letting them know when time is up as the music goes off.
I am ramping up! Check out my new website
I am back in Australia after enjoying a wonderful 3 months touring Italy and surrounding countries. (although it was so hot) so I know we have seen some decline but you will see a lot more of me in the future. @David Newman Kicking off my new website Will Stammers Design Leader It's taken a lot of work, but I went live 3 days ago and landed on 3 core services: 1) Facilitation of Quick Wins - Short and Sharp and my favourite Design Sprint 2) Evolution of Services and Products - Service and Product Design 3) Digital and Product Transformation - Supporting Strategy & Advisory Services If you have time, I would love you to check it out at All feedback is welcome, and you can email me at Some other areas of interest from the group: 1 - Pricing Strategy: I would also greatly appreciate any pricing strategies for the delivery of Facilitation. I do not want to deliver this at an hourly rate but as a package and price it as a get-your-feet-in-the-door proposition. I will mainly support Australia so any guidance would be most welcome. I think @Jonathan Courtney you had some guidance here, to that you shared after we just kicked off the club. 2 - Getting the message out there: I have started to write blog posts and launch them on LinkedIn to bring people to my site. Are there any other locations people have found to be successful? Well hope this finds you well, and I look forward to your guidance, collaboration and most of all engaging with you fine people!
New comment Aug '23
I am ramping up! Check out my new website
UX/Product Workshops
What are some of your go-to exercises when facilitating UX or Product Discovery workshops? EDIT: I figured I didn't elaborate on his topic more, sorry for that! I didn't mention I actively do these. 🤓 So I am more interested in your experiences with some "unusual" workshop exercises besides those "standard" ones (like empathy mapping, feature bucketing, etc.) From my experience, some of the exercises I actively use are contextual mapping, empathy mapping (preferably if there are people we can find for interviewing), customer journey mapping (current vs. desired, might add HMWs to this exercise as well), feature prioritization and hierarchy, AttrakDiff scale, etc.
New comment Mar '23
UX/Product Workshops
1 like • Feb '23
@Hrvoje Abraham Milićević check out the Design Sprint it will provide a recipe to get a prototype that can be tested with customers and other users in 5 days. Once you have this under your belt you can also break it up for shorter workshops. Check out the @Aj Smart YouTube channel there’s a lot of material there. But if you want to do more in this space I would recommend the course they provide. (Not a paid promotion) it will support and fast track your ability to run one successfully
Empathy Mapping Vs Customer Journey Mapping?
Hey squad! ✌️ hoping to get some advice about mapping 'shops, Currently running both EM & CJM to help my team align on how users experience various flows in our digital product, however the more I run these workshops, the more I feel like what we learn in EM can get discovered in the CJM, if we consider including the Thinking, Feeling, Seeing & Doing during the phases ('Doing' and 'Feeling' already covered in more depth during CJM anyway) Has anyone had any experience with running a workshop where both these maps were combined? Any pitfalls or advantages you experienced? or potential stumbling blocks you encountered? Any advice would be great! Thanks!
New comment Feb '23
0 likes • Feb '23
Hi @Max Taylor I think a tool that might do a better job of this and a little more complex is a Service Design Blueprint Most executives want to understand service challenges in digital channels that I usually frame around Friction - where the interaction is not intuitive or there are too many calls to action or steps to get to the customer goal. Fail - customers can not complete their goal or give up in the process Force out - the digital experience doesn’t support the next step in a process or flow that has the customer forced out into another channel. IE new customer goes to apply and finds out they have to go to a branch to physically do their ID. Existing customer has to print and wet signature a contract and take it into a branch I also suggest that you do at least two personas one for existing-with a focus of retention and digital first engagement the second new - engagement and ease of application. The other thing is data… if you have NPS map it to each of the phases. Other data like complaints data… The great thing about a service blueprint it allows you to understand where the challenges exist but also highlight the probable cause. As it shows where in the digital ecosystem the challenges exist which translate to possible initiatives to solve them. Hope this helps
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
0 likes • Feb '23
@Alex James welcome to the club!
0 likes • Feb '23
@Melissa Anzman I’m confident you’ll get a lot out of both
1-10 of 72
Will Stammers
1,457points to level up
I partner with organisation and their people to innovate by using collaborate techniques to guide them to outcomes at pace.

Active 279d ago
Joined Jan 19, 2023
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