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Visuals and Visual Impact
I always doing my best to have my training hall full of visuals and add some flavour to the flip charts with some visuals. It could be everywhere, on walls, on the floor, on chairs, flash cards, on the door, expect the unexpected :) I am always trying to practice sketching and improve my drawing skills. Could you share the tools that you are using for visuals.
New comment 5h ago
Visuals and Visual Impact
In person facilitation workshop recommendation
I just out of school and start my professional path with facilitation, would like to get some recommendation for in-person facilitation workshop at Minnesota area, USA, any facilitator at this area? Thank you!
Future Vision Workshop with Senior Leaders
Hi all, I am a new member here but have been reading from the side lines for a while now and love how supportive this community is! I am planning a future visions workshop for senior executives to help them envision the future, 5-10 years down, for their lines of business. This’ll be my first time facilitating a workshop with such senior folks so I’m looking for any advice/suggestions on: 1. Recommendation on Workshop Flow/Agenda/ Structure 2. Recommendation on exercises and 3. Tips/Tricks on leading a senior/executive audience  My initial thoughts on high level structure is as follows: - Future Market and Consumer Trend Presentation - Workshop: exercise to envision where they'd want their business lines to be in 5 and 10 years - Workshop: taking that vision and developing actionable steps today/ or maybe identifying problems to tackle Thank you in advance!
New comment 22h ago
Sprint Questions
He yall, Newbie here :) I'm a little confused about the sprint questions section in the design sprint. I'm wondering if it's meant to help us identify potential risks? I had a hard time explaining it to some people in my sprint, so I'm hoping someone can clarify it for me. Any insights would be super helpful!
Need Help with Creative Ad Campaigns
Hello Everyone! 👋 I have a question about getting a "Go-To" session that I can use within the advertising agency I work in. I run a lot of "traditional" workshopping sessions, I am more and more being asked to lead workshops to create fresh ideas, drive decisions and create the foundations of campaigns. In most scenarios, I am asked to craft a workshop/sprint to generate advertising campaign ideas with usually 3 to 4 hours in an afternoon or a morning... so, not a lot of time... more "Burst" than "Sprint"! Would love to know from the incredible minds here if you've experienced, or run, these kinds of sessions, and if so, what would you recommend as steps / direction for a "Burst" session with internal creative teams, strategists, and (sometimes) clients? Is there an AJ&Smart Exercise or Recipe that can be my Holy Grail? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New comment 1d ago
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