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GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey

Public • 7.5k • Free

Agency Masters Elite™

Private • 612 • $118/m

Agency Growth

Private • 2.1k • Free

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Q's Mastermind

Private • 3.4k • $1/m

ChatGPT Users

Public • 10.8k • Free

The Path

Private • 44 • $97/m

134 contributions to GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
🔥 AI Updates Coming Tomorrow! 🔥
Team and i have been hard at work and finally got our AI trainings to a predictable enough level to share w y’all. Other goodies coming down the pipe (all in addition to the existing promised goodies) - Elite is getting an upgrade (corresponding $ increase for NEW MEMBERS ONLY, existing members grandfathered in) - SYSTEMpreneur™️ is getting an upgrade (a few seats opening next week) - AI tools vetted and demo’d for every phase of your agency: prospecting, booking, selling, presenting, building, fulfilling. Folks are already making buku bucks here with all our free stuff, using these new AI tools will make it even easier to execute. Can’t wait to see what y’all do with it! Aloha, Robb
New comment Sep '23
🔥 AI Updates Coming Tomorrow! 🔥
2 likes • Sep '23
@Dean Rackley you gotta join.
Is it me or the offer?
Hey guys, would love to hear your thoughts....I just launched a campaign for a fitness facility with two locations, full access gym, 1-1s, group classes, etc.. We used the offer: {{contact.first_name}}, it's Ashley at {{}}. Today we're giving away a few 7-Day passes plus a 30min InBody scan would you like one? If you want us to stop, just say stop. 220 leads activated, 38 opt-outs, 0 opt-in.... ZERO? this never happened before.. usually, we get tons of appointments after launching or at least some positive replies. Is it the offer? should I take out the 30min in body scan? @Haplin Milgrom-Hills @Daniela Gattel penny for your thoughts? Day Two Update: okay guys thanks for the input! the vote is in so we're going to change the offer to: {{contact.first_name}}, it's Chris at {{}}. Today, we're reaching out to some of our best clients for 2-weeks of unlimited personal training for free, are you up for it? 💪 ❤️ Since the facility offers 1-1 sessions, group classes, nutrition, AND full gym access I think we needed 'umph' in the offer. We're also going to increase the lead volume: batch 25 every 3 minutes then wait 1 hour then second batch again 25 every 3 minutes. I'll give you guys an update after! 🙏
New comment Aug '23
6 likes • Aug '23
Hey Tania, I would take the Inbody scan out. Any reason why the offer is only for 7-day? why not 10? or 14? What we noticed is that the 7-day is so little time, week-ends... plus back to school might have moms too busy? Let's brainstorm
3 likes • Aug '23
@Tania Rose Glavey would it be worth it to segment list based on - when clients opt out - How long they stay before opting out - Female / male This way you can not only target past leads but also target by purchasing behavior Xoxo Daniela
See how Krystin DOUBLED Dan Henry’s Open Rates in the last 3 weeks!
Join us for a special session with our SYSTEMpreneur™ member @Krystin Ruschman! She’s going to walk us through the exact process she used to explode Dan’s average open rates from 29.9% to 65.5% across his total send volume in just 3 weeks. Hop on while Krystin and I jam LIVE this Thursday, Aug 10th at 11p PT / 2p ET Register here See you there! - Robb
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Mitch Lorenzana can you tag me as well please?
1st DR: Turning Challenges into Triumph: A $22,000 Win! 🎉
🚀 The Journey Begins: My adventure started with excitement. I handled everything, including A2P approval, all at no cost to my friend. But then I hit a snag: the dreaded 30007 errors. 📝 Seeking Guidance: Refusing to be defeated, I sought the wisdom of @Haplin Milgrom-Hills, @Robb Bailey, and others in the GHL group. With their advice and ChatGPT's touch, the Bailey message was transformed: “Mike, it's Ashley at Body Concept by Bailey. We've selected a few people for exclusive 14-day passes. Interested? Reply YES for yours, NO if not right now. To opt out, reply STOP” 🔍 The Turning Point: The opt-out language was now clear and honest. The errors vanished! My message was working, and the crisis was averted. 📊 Results Unfolding: Targeting 406 female NON-members, the response was thrilling: - 13 opt-ins 🎉 - 11 appointments set 📅 - A pipeline value blossoming to $22,000, with the chance to grow to $26,000! 💸 🌟 Members & Reviews: With a members' list of 47, I managed to gather 12 Google Reviews, jumping from 31 to 43! 💪 Building Confidence: This rollercoaster, filled with trials and victories, nurtured my confidence. Now, I'm reaching out to gyms, offering 10 booked appointments in a week or less for FREE! 🎈 Conclusion: From initial excitement over A2P approval to a triumphant $22,000 in pipeline value, this journey has been nothing short of remarkable. The learning, the growth, and the success continue to inspire me to reach higher. Here's to future DR wins! 🥳 -ChatGPT Approves this Message
New comment Aug '23
8 likes • Aug '23
---> Mike, it's Ashley at Body Concept by Bailey. We've selected a few people for exclusive 14-day passes. Interested? Reply YES for yours, NO if not right now. To opt out, reply STOP 😍 Sign me up... Does @Robb Bailey teach the AM or PM class? LOL What a journey, Mike! and this is just the beginning. Congrats!
Cheryl: 181 Contacts, $12k in Sales!
Check out my interview with community member Cheryl, who made $12k in sales on her first DR!
New comment Jan 18
Cheryl: 181 Contacts, $12k in Sales!
5 likes • Aug '23
Wow! Congrats! Super awesome
1-10 of 134
Daniela Gattel
1,165points to level up
Board Certified Health Practitioner To Peri-Menopausal Badass Women And Database Reactivation Enthusiast For Small Gyms, Fitness Studios and...

Active 16d ago
Joined Feb 12, 2023
New York City
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