13.49% About Page Conversion Rate
To put it in perspective: - good skool about page conversion rate is 4-6%. - great skool about page conversion rate is 7%-10% We recently launched ads to this community and got 13.49% in the last 7 days. How? To be honest, I don't know, but I can share what we optimized. Before that, I want to make it clear - there are still so many things to optimize so I am really looking forward what our skool about page conversion rate will be in the next 2 weeks. What did we optimize for the skool about page in the last 7 days? 1. Letter size. 80% of the traffic comes from phones, and many people on this platform seem to forget it. Skool page is not yet optimized for phone experience (in terms of UX (user experience)). Everyone seems to be designing the pages just for desktops - writing headlines with small letters. TIP: Cut the size of your copy, keep essentials, and increase the size of the letters. What's the point of having a skool about page if people can't read it? 2. Design. So many people (including my team) have said: "Design doesn't matter". They treat the word "design" as an enemy or non-existent thing in this world. It's important to have a design that captures attention. Design is the first impression that makes people interested in reading, the copy & offer are what convert them. TIP: Keep your design simple, but please at least make it seem "royal/ professional." 3. VSL (video-sales-letter) This tbh didn't improve anything as we implemented it 2 weeks ago. However, we know once we will re-film the new VSL it will help the conversion rate Hope this was helpful in some way. We're looking to optimize the skool about page in the next 7 days with some cool stuff, will share the progress. JJKโค๏ธ