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Moderator role improvements
You need people to help moderate your group, approve membership requests, etc. Your hardcore members are the best fit for this role, and they want to help you. The problem was: Making a "Member" a "Moderator" removed them from the leaderboards (members don't want that). And it gave them too much control (group owners don't want that). Now, Moderators can: ✅ Approve/decline membership requests ✅ See and delete reported posts/comments ✅ Change post category, turn comments on/off ✅ Visible on points leaderboards ❌ Remove/ban members, change their roles ❌ Email broadcast posts, pin/unpin posts ❌ See member emails, billing info ❌ Export data ❌ Access locked courses ❌ Change group settings This allows you to make your most hardcore members moderators. They feel special helping you manage your community and you get to share the workload of group ownership. Win/Win. Full breakdown of all roles in the image below. Enjoy 🎉
New comment 11m ago
Moderator role improvements
All Green - I love Skool 😍 (VIDEO & Zoomcall)
1.5 years ago I registered here at Skool and now the time has come. Today I will carry the flame with me for a year (you get this for 10 activities per day). With this post I don't just want to show you a video that we produced especially to show you what my last 12 months have been like. I will share 3 valuable thoughts with you that should inspire you to achieve a lot with Skool in the future. ➡️ #01 Learn to love Skool (as a member) Many people here want to be successful as community creators. Understandable. Unfortunately, more and more people are losing the feeling that we all had at the beginning when we were new here. The feeling of being a member. Many successful community creator are no longer active in their own community. 😳 Why? Learn to love Skool as a member, be active in other communities. That's why it was not difficult for me to carry the flame for a year. ➡️ #02 Don't think about the money Just because a community costs money doesn't mean it's only worth it if you make money. If you go to a concert or spend an evening in a club, that's worth it too, right? You could have stayed at home to listen to music and dance with yourself. But you wanted to spend time with others and you even paid money for it (and didn't get any money back). Stop constantly thinking in MRR. Friendships can be formed here, collaborations can be entered into and we might even have a Skool Baby soon :-) That's worth a lot more. ➡️ #03 Learn the rules like a pro.... One of my favorite quotes is: "Learn the rules like a pro and break them like an artist" (Picasso) If you're new here, take a look around and understand how it all works. Take your time and educate yourself. When I first came to Skool there were no tutorials, live call recordings, etc. But I really listened to every interview by @Sam Ovens to not only understand but also to feel what it was all about. It was only much later that I developed my own strategies, workflows and creative approaches to have even more fun and success.
New comment 6h ago
All Green - I love Skool 😍 (VIDEO & Zoomcall)
5 Best Practices for Community Management
Hi everyone! Thank you for the love on my last post 🫶 I wanted to share a few best practices for community management that help us manage this 194k+ member community. This should help if you’re starting or looking to optimize an existing management process. 1. Identify Community Purpose A community without a clear purpose is like a ship without a compass—no one understands where it's going or why it's here. To get more members (beyond family and friends), there needs to be a clear purpose that the community will serve. When members understand why and how the community benefits them, they’re more likely to engage and contribute. Community purpose also acts as a guiding light, keeping discussions focused and attracting the right people who align with the community's mission. Here’s how I’d define community purpose: - What value does this community offer its members? - How does it help with their goals and needs? 2. Member Onboarding and Activation First impressions matter—a lot. They shape how new members feel about your community and whether they’ll want to come back. A welcome post is a great place to start, but what happens afterward? I see great communities lead their members to the next action and help them understand how to participate meaningfully. For example: - Asking members to comment and earn 5 points and unlock access to an exclusive course.  - Then tell them what they can do after they get the course... - This works well because it rewards the behavior we want to see more of—engagement. The GOAL is to make the first week (or first interactions) memorable—this sets the tone for long-term engagement. - TIP: If you have time as a community owner, personally responding to every comment is a great way to build engagement momentum.  3. Fostering Engagement Through Rituals Rituals and roles create predictability and structure in a community.
New comment 23m ago
Inbox Overload: Finding the Balance in Community Messaging
Hey everyone! Let’s talk inbox management! How often do you message your members? Are you staying connected…or accidentally overwhelming them? I’ve got to be honest…this is something I think about a lot. As a member, I’ve left a group before because my inbox was constantly flooded. Text messages were coming to my phone from multiple numbers, and the leader kept pinging me in my Skool inbox. Instead of feeling welcomed, I felt overwhelmed and checked out pretty quickly. But as a leader, I know how important reaching out to new members is. It can be a great way to connect…keep people engaged…and build trust. So, where’s the sweet spot? Here are a few things I’m curious about: • How much is too much when it comes to messaging your members? • Have you ever gotten feedback like, “I’m getting too many messages”? • What’s worked for you to keep people engaged without annoying them? I know that finding the right balance isn’t easy, but I’d love to hear your experiences. What’s worked for you? Or have you had any messaging “oops” moments that taught you a lesson? Or…have you left a group because you were overwhelmed by the contact.
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Inbox Overload: Finding the Balance in Community Messaging
How do you keep ‘em on the bus?
What’s retention strategies are you seeing working right now? I dropped mine in the first comment! Photo: man sitting on top of skool bus.
New comment 3m ago
How do you keep ‘em on the bus?
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