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Payment app tutorial?
Many of us users can’t use stripe or PayPal etc because of our region, GHL offers custom payment solutions you can build as a marketplace app and then integrate with GHL. Can we get a Much needed tutorial on how to create this custom payment solution app please? We can see it has been done already: (video example found on GHL site link below) And the GHL link for this is:
New comment 22h ago
Payment app tutorial?
Automate Onboard of Client
Is there a way to automate the updating of custom values via a form? Tons of these snapshots have custom values and each of my customers has different information. How do we match that up? Currently doing it manually, but
New comment 1d ago
Regulatory Bundles For UK Phone Numbers????!!!!!
Hey guys So I'm currently trying to get a UK number setup in my GHL subaccount to send appointment reminders etc. I thought that it would be a simple setup as I wouldn't have to undergo A2P registration like in the US, but it seems that instead I have to establish something called "Regulatory Bundle" It seemed pretty easy to apply my business address which is registered in the UK However when applying for the bundle, it keeps asking for the "physical business address" but in picture form as if I have to add an attachment Does anybody know how to properly implement this, do I send like a government document containing my registered company with the exact same address, please help
New comment 2d ago
Regulatory Bundles For UK Phone Numbers????!!!!!
Missed Call Text Back Snapshot Was EMPTY
Hello everyone, Can someone help me with an update as to the MISSED CALL TEXT BACK snapshot? I imported the snapshot and it came with ZERO pages. Need help so i can setup the snapshot correctly please.
Free Trial Funnel w/ Survey
Made this for a client, . Currently works to collect the right info and I have an automation on the backend to alert the biz owner and the appropriate instructor that they have a free trial request. It's then on the Instructor to check her calendar to confirm that the child will be able to take that class & then respond via email with a confirmation Date & Time. Knowing all that I have 3 questions... 1. Is this the right approach/way to do this 2. How do limit the selection to 1, right now they could select multiple classes (Don't want that) 3. How do I make the dropdown reset if they select something by accident? (Right now when they select a class it can't be cleared).
New comment 3d ago
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