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Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth!
Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth! ☕ Thanks, Wes! It’s a wild ride keeping up with the crazy pace of AI, but this mug makes it all a bit more manageable. Cheers to innovation and caffeine
Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth!
Custom ChatGPT within Facebook Messenger
Sometimes, consumers never make it to your client's website. They’re engaging within communities like Facebook, and so that’s exactly where your client's chatbot needs to be. We initially used FastBots with Zapier to automate Facebook Page Messenger responses for our clients. It was effective, but there was a short delay (usually a few seconds or less). Occasionally, we received emails about random errors from Zapier, due to content length, or something else, resulting in ignored users. However, FastBots has now launched its direct integration with Facebook Messenger, making it faster than ever. So far, we haven't encountered any instances of users not receiving immediate responses. Setting it up is straightforward: 1. Log into your Fastbots account. 2. Select your bot and navigate to 'Integrations' in the lower left menu. 3. Click on 'Messenger' and connect it to your Facebook account. 4. Select the appropriate page for responses. That’s it! It works seamlessly. (Note: I had to use Safari because Chrome settings blocked the pop-up for authentication.) This new integration with FastBots saves you $29.99/month on a basic Zapier subscription (if you're not using it for other things) and an hour or two of setup and troubleshooting. FastBots is incredibly user-friendly and continually introduces new features. I’m excited to see what’s next!
New comment 12h ago
Custom ChatGPT within Facebook Messenger
A prompt to automate reporting
Here is a helpful prompt for those who need to create reports from a .csv file. Prompt: Research and outline the steps to automate the creation of reports from a .csv file. Identify tools and software solutions that can streamline this process, focusing on options that offer user-friendly interfaces, integration capabilities, and customization features. Provide a step-by-step guide that includes how to set up the automation, import the .csv data, generate the desired report format, and schedule regular updates. Highlight best practices and tips to ensure accurate and efficient report generation. Source: Daily Prompt
Professional business Store owners with no websites or Klaviyo is losing alot Having a website have been helping me alot, recently have been getting more clients and awesome sales😊
New comment 1d ago
Getting an expert through this community will be a wonderful advise for you all as a business store owner seeking to connect with fellow entrepreneurs
New comment 1d ago
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