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Created by Alexandra


Facilitator Club

Public • 6.1k • Free

Growthworks Community

Private • 10.5k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

Private • 19 • $99/m

ADHSSpektrum ADHS Community

Private • 111 • Free

Social Squad

Private • 1.2k • Free

7 contributions to Facilitator Club
My favourite icebreaker - Draw a Duck!
My absolute favourite icebreaker is called draw a duck, it’s as simple as it sounds. 🦆 1️⃣ Give everyone post-its and a sharpie 2️⃣ Give them 60 seconds to draw a duck 3️⃣ Have them all put their ducks on the whiteboard 4️⃣ Briefly review your ducks as a group. That’s it. I love it because it’s a quick and effective way to inject a bit of fun into the start of the workshop. Plus, it lowers the bar for visualising ideas later, showing that ability to draw doesn’t matter. Want to practice? Grab a post-it and drop a picture of your duck in the comments, then tag someone in Faciltiator club do the same! 🦆 I'll start us off in the comments! 👇
New comment Aug '23
0 likes • Apr '23
@Jakub Michalski goes with the shoes
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
2 likes • Apr '23
Frankfurt Germany
Blue collar workshop
Hi 👋 I have a giant bias with a big ass assumption and I don't like to assume (because to assume is to make an ass of you and me...) So. My bias and assumption: workshops as we facilitate them are mostly for knowledge workers. It's hard to do a written workshop with manual labourers. How do you pull a workshop for blue collars who are not used to working with sticky notes or with a computer? Enormous bias here, but if anyone can clarify, that would be great!
New comment May '23
0 likes • Apr '23
@Sam Pettersson awesome TED Talk 😀
Permanent Job or Freelance Facilitation
I have been working as freelance trainer/consultant and did not opt for a permanent job. I struggled a lot in making myself a brand even I was not getting money from trainings but I rejected good salaried jobs because I had belief on myself that one day my one day income will be more than the salary I am offered. Now I am in middle of my career still much to go far. How many of you faced same situation I would love to know about your short stories?
New comment May '23
3 likes • Apr '23
I am looking to find my way in the online space so I can be location independent. I just signed up for the Master facilitator and am also looking for a new Job.
Hello world, just another guy, no a Data Artist, really ?
Hi, i am JP, Data Artist. Yes, Data Artist a real job with real client, i can tell :) Data artists bridge the gap between business and IT by creating data visualizations that can be quickly understood by business leaders to help accelerate decision-making. Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to meet a lot of people, business owners, clients, general manager. I have learned a lot of things during this time, but the most important learning is the following : "People all have this innate desire to be heard and understood". No matter which business you are in, the best way to make people feel heard and understood is to meet them where they’re at. That means listening to them. Stepping into their world. Asking questions so you can uncover their pains and desires so you can speak to that in your approach. When you start crafting your dashboard using the words they use to describe where they’re at and what they want (instead of what you think it is they want) the results are game changing. And as Data Artist, I really LOVE getting to know my client, listening to their stories and help them achieving their goals by providing them the best dashboard ever to match their needs. I am very happy to join the club ;) I am working for Business & decision, subsidiary of Orange and leaving in Switzerland. JP
New comment May '23
0 likes • Apr '23
Very needed. That bridge 😀
1-7 of 7
Alexandra Pinegger
13points to level up
I help to close the gap between u + ur Sales Page so that you & your business and your clients are aligned. Cooking and Crossfit keep me balanced.

Active 17h ago
Joined Jan 20, 2023
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