Hello world, just another guy, no a Data Artist, really ?
Hi, i am JP, Data Artist. Yes, Data Artist a real job with real client, i can tell :)
Data artists bridge the gap between business and IT by creating data visualizations that can be quickly understood by business leaders to help accelerate decision-making.
Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to meet a lot of people, business owners, clients, general manager. I have learned a lot of things during this time, but the most important learning is the following : "People all have this innate desire to be heard and understood".
No matter which business you are in, the best way to make people feel heard and understood is to meet them where they’re at. That means listening to them. Stepping into their world. Asking questions so you can uncover their pains and desires so you can speak to that in your approach.
When you start crafting your dashboard using the words they use to describe where they’re at and what they want (instead of what you think it is they want) the results are game changing.
And as Data Artist, I really LOVE getting to know my client, listening to their stories and help them achieving their goals by providing them the best dashboard ever to match their needs.
I am very happy to join the club ;)
I am working for Business & decision, subsidiary of Orange and leaving in Switzerland.
Jean-philippe Favre
Hello world, just another guy, no a Data Artist, really ?
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