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Created by Jonathan

Inner Circle Mentorship

Private • 761 • Free

The official private group for active Workshopper Master members

The Board Mastermind

Private • 15 • Free

AJ&Smart's high-level, private business-Mastermind



Private • 26 • Paid

Facilitator Club

Public • 6.1k • Free


Private • 2.1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid


Private • 120 • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free


Private • 1.3k • Free

Quantum Alumni

Private • 112 • Free


Private • 76 • Paid

101 contributions to Facilitator Club
Austin, TX Workshopper / Facilitator Meetup Next Week!
Howdy, y’all! 🤠👋 Join us on Tuesday, June 4th, at Lazarus Brewing Co. at 1902 East 6th in Austin, TX for—as the website says—“COFFEE. BEER. TACOS. JOY.” I’ll be there from 5 pm - 7 pm (maybe longer 😊) wearing a black cap that says, “Make Meetings Suck Less”—or it will be on the table near me. So come on out, bring a +1, and let’s hang with some fellow facilitation nerds. ❤️😎🤓 BTW, I don’t live in Austin. I am just going to be in town presenting a talk about how “meetings suck” at a conference tomorrow and will stay until June 8th to network, do a session at WeWork, and do some other fun stuff. I also didn’t want to miss this golden opportunity to gather with “My People” in a big city. 🥰🤩 Comment below if you are coming or you can reach me through LinkedIn. I accept all connection requests. 👍 BONUS! If you come, you can also pick up one of my silly stickers. 🤪 [Crossposted in the Workshopper Master Inner Circle Mentorship community]
New comment May 30
Austin, TX Workshopper / Facilitator Meetup Next Week!
0 likes • May 29
Hell yes! Love this.
The AJ&Smart Summer Sale is LIVE 🟢
Hey everyone, Big news!!! 👇 The official AJ&Smart Summer Sale is now LIVE! We always try and do something extra special for our Summer Sale, and we’re VERY proud of this one: 🥁🥁🥁 We’re offering a massive 70% off the Design Sprint Masterclass, AND throwing in 5 incredible bonuses. I won’t blab on about all the details here, because we made a video about the offer (attached to this post) which explains exactly what’s included, and you can head over here to this page where you can see the offer in-detail, but quickly: Until tomorrow (Friday May 17th) at midnight CEST, you can get the Design Sprint Masterclass for just €597 (the normal price is €1,997) AND you’ll get 5 amazing bonuses worth €11,160 thrown in for a grand total of €0! (or in other words, free!) One of these bonuses is a killer, BRAND NEW 9+ hour training from Jake Knapp, where he teaches the updated, 2024 version of the Design Sprint, including all of the updates, improvements and modifications he’s made over the years. If you’re currently running Sprints, or plan to in the future, then you definitely want to be getting your hands on this! Head over here to learn more about the offer, and the bonuses! >>> And if you ALREADY have our Design Sprint Masterclass then don’t worry! We also have something amazing for you. Just DM @Ryan de Metz and he’ll sort you out with a verrrry nice deal! 😉 Myself and the AJ&Smart team are VERY excited about this! Rebecca P.S. It's ALSO Pierce Brosnan’s birthday today - way too much excitement packed into one day!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIERCE!
New comment Jun 23
The AJ&Smart Summer Sale is LIVE 🟢
1 like • May 22
@Pattie Belle Hastings Let me speed things up for you - sorry there's been LOTS of email this week due to the sale.
0 likes • May 22
@Pattie Belle Hastings We are trying to get to all the emails before the midnight deadline, but if it ends up being our fault that you dont get a response we will of course extend the offer for you until we figure it out :D
Here's why you never finish anything (voicenote)
Hey Workshoppers! Many (if not most) entrepreneurs are Starters. They're good at kicking things off, setting a vision, and giving something the first big push. But, like me, those that are good at Starting things, aren't always great at Finishing things. Once the initial burst of excitement wears off, or a new, more fun, more shiny thing appears, they tend to Start something new VS Finishing the first thing. The latest episode of our Unscheduled CEO podcast goes into why it's sometimes pointless to try fixing this problem (because it's hard coded) and what to do instead! It's more of a short voicenote than an actual episode. You can listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or directly in the browser on Substack Hope this helps you Starters in the group!
New comment 20d ago
0 likes • May 7
@Angela Knight great to hear Angela! How did you find out about this group?
1 like • May 16
@Shaul Nemtzov hahaha yes im back for more!!
How to price?
Hello everyone, I've been thinking a lot about what type of services and workshops I want to provide, and one thing I have many doubts about is pricing. I recently listened to Jonathan's podcast where he talks about setting a day rate. That sounds very reasonable, specially considering I've had experience selling by hour of work (for design work) and it was very tricky to forecast how much a project should eventually cost. However, we do know that a 2 hours workshop can take up to a few days of actual work, counting briefing, planing and reporting. Imagine a 1 day or multiple days workshop. How do you price that? By package? As in, for example, a 1 day workshop would be more or less 4 days of work, therefore it would cost (day rate * 4)?
New comment May 21
2 likes • Apr 26
Hey, this might help, recorded it last month:
When you don't do any marketing...
:) have a nice weekend!
New comment May 19
When you don't do any marketing...
1-10 of 101
Jonathan Courtney
540points to level up
I'm the CEO of AJ&Smart, a company that helps other companies with their product strategy

Active 9h ago
Joined Jan 12, 2023
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