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14 contributions to Low-Code Community
About to launch my first SaaS 🤞
Hey everyone, 👋 haven't posted a lot here. My name is Leon. On the day to day, I run a low-code development agency. But I thought, some of you might find this interesting: Over the last two weeks (and with quite a bit of planning beforehand) we have been participating in the x "Build a Software as a Service project in 2 weeks" challenge. We built a component/content library for a software solution that I've been developing for the last 1.5+ years alongside my client projects. The software solution (called StudioForm - it makes creating advanced forms for collecting user data much easier) itself (/ directly) rarely had the greatest ROI / EHR.... :.. But I still couldn't keep my hands off the project - something about it made me want to pursue it further. Well, anyway, we're about to start focusing on the direct ROI part of the project: 🥳🎉🚀 (The live domain will be:
New comment 26d ago
2 likes • 26d
Looks awesome, focused! Can you shoot me some examples of advanced forms to ?
2 likes • 26d
Signed up!
Introduction Post
I started my journey in the ecom world years ago, I built up a toy brand, got into 3PL and eventually sold the company. I built the company using SEO to gain traction with insanely high profitability. I wanted to start my next venture, so I looked into SaaS. I had plenty of good ideas to build, and was always passionate about being a founder, but I failed over and over. I sat and thought what I could offer to the market that would be valuable, I decided to put my two means together, SEO and software. So I started an SEO agency, offering directly to SaaS companies. Now, I've began building my own no/low code SaaS (funny enough the saas is meant to be a solution to the SEO world). MVP is coming soon, and I'm excited to be apart of this community to get insights throughout my journey.
New comment Feb 2
0 likes • Feb 2
Adam - pls share your MVP when it's ready
I Don't Know
I've been doing engineering for over 10 years now, and if there is one thing that I am grateful for, it is how comfortable it has made me with the feeling of 'not knowing'. I've started so many projects without knowing all of the answers, that I completely trust I will figure things out along the way. Because no matter how much you plan, there are things that will arise during a project that you could have never anticipated beforehand. I'm working on a software right now that we are launching to beta users soon, and it has continuously been a learning experience. I have no exact plan for how we are going to do most of the stuff we want to do, but I look back at all the other problems I've figured out, and know that I will solve whatever is coming next. Maybe one day I will look back and think I was really crazy, but so far, I haven't been wrong yet.
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
A powerful wise share - jump in the river instead of over thinking.
Speak to your customers
The best founders learn from their users throughout the lifetime of their company. Ideas don't come from thin air - they come from speaking with customers. If you're in the development/launching stage - they come from speaking with future customers. Speak with your users, and build based on what you learn.
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
Great point Robert. I've also had some success by "inventing" cool stuff or features which customers never thought of or expressed a need for. These ideas typically came from solving pain points such as saving time, saving money or increasing revenue and/or profit. With that said, knowing your customers needs, wants, fears, etc is critically important!
Free Website Template (
I have received some complements on my website, and so I wanted to share a free template for it in this group: Webflow Template It's straight to the point, with no BS. Just write out your offer, plug in your VSL, change the links/testimonials, and call your website done. No need to spend time and money overthinking it. I was inspired by Sam Ovens on the design, and made some adjustments that I felt better suited my purposes. Whenever my offer evolves, this design makes it extremely easy to make changes. Feel free to copy it - I also have a SaaS Website Template that I made. If you're interested in that too, just let me know!
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
sure -
1-10 of 14
Russ Schneider
44points to level up
Investor, Founder, Ecom and Saas

Active 24h ago
Joined Feb 8, 2023
San Diego
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