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โ˜Ž๏ธ Office Hours is happening in 3 days
Who is using Claude 3.5; and how?
This model excels in tasks that require visual reasoning, such as interpreting charts, graphs, and other complex visual data, and can also accurately transcribe text from imperfect images.
New comment 8d ago
About to launch my first SaaS ๐Ÿคž
Hey everyone, ๐Ÿ‘‹ haven't posted a lot here. My name is Leon. On the day to day, I run a low-code development agency. But I thought, some of you might find this interesting: Over the last two weeks (and with quite a bit of planning beforehand) we have been participating in the x "Build a Software as a Service project in 2 weeks" challenge. We built a component/content library for a software solution that I've been developing for the last 1.5+ years alongside my client projects. The software solution (called StudioForm - it makes creating advanced forms for collecting user data much easier) itself (/ directly) rarely had the greatest ROI / EHR.... :.. But I still couldn't keep my hands off the project - something about it made me want to pursue it further. Well, anyway, we're about to start focusing on the direct ROI part of the project: ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿš€ (The live domain will be:
New comment 26d ago
Bypass Apollo Credits
Hello Everyone, In this video, I will show how to bypass apollo credits so you can get leads and execute sells using email marketing. Any questions, please let me know.
Bypass Apollo Credits
How I engineered my automated beer money generator.
Discover the fascinating journey behind Matchkraft, a super-smart cloud tool featured on Hacker Noon. This cool software, created by a clever mind, uses fancy algorithms to make digital marketing tasks super easy. Imagine it like a digital helper doing all the hard work for you! The article spills the beans on how Matchkraft isn't just a regular tool; it's the secret sauce behind a nifty beer money machine. So, if you've ever wondered how technology can turn into money, this story spills all the deets. It's like having a magic wand for your online marketing dreams! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿป #MatchkraftMagic #BeerMoneyFun
New comment Nov '23
Help business owners sleep at night
You need to find a problem to solve that keeps a business owner awake at night. A problem so bad, that when they first open their eyes in the morning, it's the thing they dread doing. You can find problems like that within vertical niches. For example, there are many CRM softwares available. But there may be no ideal solutions for specific types of tax professionals, who deal with a certain flow of repetitive paperwork. If you can build a solution that saves them hours per client - your solution will be saving them significant time, and therefore money. So they will pay for your solution. And you won't have very much competition, because you are a niched down to their specific sector.
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