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☎️ Office Hours is happening in 3 days
Snappy is now free!
If you are at Level 2 or higher, you can now get Snappy from the classroom of this community! Right now, I have only basic instructions on how to set up each component (Webflow, Wized, and Xano), but I am working on videos which cover every part so that I only have to explain things once going forward! If you would like to support me, then please use Snappy, post your questions about it, and tell others you know about this offer and community! Join our office hours, and learn more about how low-code can streamline development and open doors for you! Snappy Classroom
New comment 7h ago
Snappy is now free!
Need Help to Unlock Level 2 and Access Strappy
Hello everyone, I need help to unlock Level 2! Please engage with my post by liking and commenting. I'll gladly return the favor for anyone who helps me out. Thanks!
New comment 10h ago
🌟 Welcome, Rules & Resources 🌟
Welcome to the Low-Code Community! We help Webflow Designers become WebApp Developers so that you can build SaaS without anyone else getting involved (and messing up your design)! 📌 Introduce Yourself Kickstart your journey by introducing yourself! Share your name, location, and what draws you to the SaaS world. Whether you're here to share knowledge or seek guidance, we're excited to hear your story and support your ambitions. 📜 Community Guidelines To ensure a productive and positive environment, we adhere to a few simple rules: - Be Respectful: Foster a supportive atmosphere where all members feel valued. - No DM Spam: Respect personal boundaries and the community's purpose. - No Selling: This space is for learning and sharing, not for unsolicited sales pitches. (Report any rule-breaking DMs for immediate action.) 🔑 Unlock Your Potential: Free Resources & Tools Dive into the world of Webflow, Wized, and Xano with free plans that let you start building today. Our curated resources are designed to guide you from concept to scale: 💸 Start for Free - Webflow University: Learn Web Design - Wized Tutorials: Interactivity in Webflow - Xano: Backend Power 👍 Engage & Grow Active participation unlocks exclusive benefits, such as: - Access to my personal SaaS resources and solutions - Free custom project templates - 1:1 feedback sessions, and more! ⬆️ Advanced Resources When ready, explore our paid extras for in-depth learning and personalized support. 🚀 Take Action - Introduce Yourself: Jump into the community and meet fellow SaaS enthusiasts. - Explore Resources: Start with our Free Resources to begin your journey. - Engage: Share insights, ask questions, and contribute to discussions for mutual growth. 📢 Let's Build Together Your journey in SaaS is unique, and this community is here to support every step of the way. From validating your initial idea to scaling globally, we're here to offer insights, encouragement, and resources. Let's create something remarkable together.
New comment 16h ago
🌟 Welcome, Rules & Resources 🌟
I'm giving away Snappy for free!
I have decided to give Snappy away for free to this community! To gain access, all you need to do is reach Level 2! I spent hundreds of hours putting Snappy together so that anyone could easily establish the critical parts of their web app in as little as 20 minutes. That means User Authentication, Stripe Payments, Google OAuth, Magic Link Password Reset, Stripe Connect, Stripe Subscriptions, and more, all ready to go. I've considered offering it for $250, $500, or even $999...but I've decided what I would rather have in exchange is you taking part in this community. I figure that this way, you can get started with building your web app, and if you need private help, you can reach out to me for further investment. By the end of this week, Snappy will be available in the community classroom to anyone at Level 2 or higher :) Eventually, this might be raised to Level 3. To reach Level 2, simply get 5 "thumbs up" on your comments or posts. Once there, you'll get access to the Snappy Boilerplate and can join our weekly calls to learn how to use it to build your idea. Feel free to invite other motivated builders to join this community. Low-code is growing, and so is our group! If you'd like to learn how low-code can boost your earnings and save you money, join our office hours calls or send me a DM!
New comment 17h ago
I'm giving away Snappy for free!
No-Code Automation Firebase (Google Cloud Firestore) -> HighLevel
I need to automate some things for my mobile app without having to update my app and deploy to app stores. I could use Google Cloud Functions but I want to do it quickly so I don't want to invest too much time for reading HighLevel API and Firebase docs to do it with code. Example scenario: Trigger: New user signup in app = new uid record in users collection in Firestore -> Action: Add new contact to HighLevel, add email address, set pipeline stage "new user", start 7 day email automation sequence in HighLevel (7 day course) I think I just need to add new contact and the rest I can do inside HighLevel. I am trying to research Make_com, AppyPie, Zapier and n8n, but maybe someone here has already done similar automation? N8N would be great because it's open source and I can deploy it myself.
New comment 2d ago
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Low-Code Community
We help Webflow Designers become WebApp Developers so that you can build SaaS without anyone else getting involved (and messing up your design!).
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