Introduction Post
I started my journey in the ecom world years ago, I built up a toy brand, got into 3PL and eventually sold the company. I built the company using SEO to gain traction with insanely high profitability.
I wanted to start my next venture, so I looked into SaaS. I had plenty of good ideas to build, and was always passionate about being a founder, but I failed over and over. I sat and thought what I could offer to the market that would be valuable, I decided to put my two means together, SEO and software. So I started an SEO agency, offering directly to SaaS companies.
Now, I've began building my own no/low code SaaS (funny enough the saas is meant to be a solution to the SEO world). MVP is coming soon, and I'm excited to be apart of this community to get insights throughout my journey.
Adam Hamdan
Introduction Post
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We help Webflow Designers become WebApp Developers so that you can build SaaS without anyone else getting involved (and messing up your design).
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