What is this?



Private • 9.1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 74.9k • Paid

Skool Affiliates

Public • 4.4k • Free (Free)

Public • 4.7k • Free

Dream Clients Club

Public • 195 • Free


Private • 1.2k • Free

Facilitator Club

Public • 5.5k • Free

Creator Party

Public • 2.4k • Free

Public • 3.4k • Free

45 contributions to Skool Community
$14/Sale - $125/mo Product - 8.78 ROAS (Skool Paid Ads)
Watch the video below. 👇 Will do a full training on Skool Meta ads. Let me know if you'd like it :))
New comment 12d ago
3 likes • 17d
Great Stuff!
New feature: Facebook pixel tracking
Imagine running Facebook and Instagram ads directly to your group with perfect conversion tracking. Imagine if you could retarget people who visit your groups about page. Now you can... Introducing the "Meta pixel tracking" plugin — track page views, membership requests, and purchases. Everything you need to grow your free or paid group with ads. But does the Skool about page actually convert? @Evelyn Weiss has been running FB/IG ads to a well optimized ClickFunnels landing page for years. She tested the same ads to her Skool about page in a true A/B test — her Skool about page beat her custom funnel. (and we haven't even optimized it yet). Need help connecting your Meta pixel? Watch this tutorial video for instructions. Enjoy 🎉
New comment 5d ago
2 likes • 19d
Great news 🔥
How to upgrade members within the same community?
Hey Skool Team! I wanted to ask if there is a non-manual way to upgrade members within the same community. We have members in our community that we gave "Free" access but they dont have access to the calls. Is there a way they can purchase a paid membership and then get call access without our team having to manually give them access?
New comment 25d ago
2 likes • 25d
@Christian Crenshaw with the second option explained from Nana you can upgrade them without removing… you just give them access to different resources, etc….
I went from 160 request to 400+ Members !!
Woahhhhhh !!!!! It’s finally happening! The moment where I finally had an “Ah ha!” Moment (as Russel Brunson would say) I finally mastered my offer and I know exactly HOW to funnel these prospects here and keep them loving the community and keeping it engaging ! I just wanted to share my update because I struggled at all of this at first and now I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel….i have a paid subscription that I’m about to channel them into and soar from there! I’ll keep everyone posted on my journey to riches ❤️🫶🏾💉😄🎉
New comment 25d ago
1 like • 25d
Great job 👍
$99/month worth it? I think you need to understand this...
I keep seeing posts questioning if $99 for a community is worth it and if you shouldn't go with a free Facebook group instead. I didn't see/understand this when I started on Skool, but if you want actually to build a community of a meaningful size, you need to hear this. I have deep regrets. If you don't want to read... watch this video instead: Yesterday I was listening to @Matthew Thompson latest podcast and one thing really struck me that I want to share with you: It's insane how much community management costs you save when you use Skool vs. a Facebook group. For context: In my own communities, we manage over 11,000 paying monthly members. Combined with Jessa and other partners over 20,000. Because there is a.) No payment integration and b.) Facebook is restricting our paid reach down to an average 300 out of 6500 members in our biggest group, the Coach Growth Hub inner circle. We have to pay a team of people to a.) Find and remove people who don't pay because FB doesn't do that automatically like skool b.) Provide 24-hour workday written support because in skool members actually see each other's posts and want to help each other out because of the gamification element and the connection that comes from having started to engage Honestly, this is so genius. The digital offer builders is now one of our most profitable communities because: #1: We don't run ads to it at the moment: 234 members NET GROWTH in the first month after playing the skool games. All organically from the skool discovery page and this community #2: We haven't promised 24h written support and don't deliver it. Members helping members works amazingly in here (I am really mind-blown; this would have never been possible with a Facebook group) It might be the amazing community, the lower cost, or the fact that I can finally reach my own community again, but I am becoming a super fan.
New comment 27d ago
5 likes • Mar 27
Even though skool i great, easier to use, and less distracting than facebook groups, it's more about hanging out with like-minded people who are hungry to grow and lift each other, that's what makes skool a no-brainer deal.
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Genc Doda
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Active 6d ago
Joined Feb 1, 2022
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