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Want results like Pacha? ($10,000+/month ASAP) ⭐️
Pacha was not where she wanted to be financially. She was unclear on her offer and didn't know which niche to focus on. But instead of signing up to work with me, she thought: "I'm not good enough to work with Ted yet." So she stayed unclear on her offer... Stayed confused about her niche... Stayed stuck. But then she got SICK & TIRED of wasting time trying to figure out everything on her own. She bucked up and booked a call with my COO Benny to find out more about our program. (Here's the link she used.) She was surprised by how affordable it was to work together privately. A few days later she decided to sign up for "The Family," one of my private mentorship programs where she gets direct access to me + my COO, Benny. The first thing I did with her was get her clear on her offer. Second thing I did was show her how to sell it. Benny assisted her with everything in between. Within 30 days, she made $24,000 USD by following our exact advice 🥳 🏆 Want results like Pacha? Even if you only want to make $5,000 - $10,000/month, here's what you'll need: - An irresistible high ticket offer. - A niche to sell it to. - Clear messaging that gets people to want to buy it. - The ability to deliver on your offer. - Someone in your corner giving you feedback & course correction every step of the way. - Someone in your corner to break your limiting beliefs along the way. Now if you want some help with all of the above (the same help Pacha received), here's what to do: Step 1: Book a free call with me/my expert team of coaches to see if working together with me makes sense for you right now. Here's the link to chat with us about what you've got going on: Step 2: Show up to the call. On the call, you're not allowed to buy anything from us. This call is purely to see if we can help you get to $10,000/month and for us to point you in the right direction of your next step.
New comment 2d ago
Want results like Pacha? ($10,000+/month ASAP) ⭐️
I made 13k thanks to Ted and by the community upgrade (contentpreneurs) less than 7 days!
I introduce myself after several months here in the community (better late than never) Spoiler of my first "winning" offer of €1,497 as a fitness coach in the italian market, after a bit of context (read to the end if you're interested) My name is Nicholas, I am an online business coach, in 2015 I started training as a former obese person looking to improve, over time I transformed my passion into work, subsequently becoming an offline pt and online coach. After several years I get my first 10k from instagram, selling weight loss program here in the Italian market. thanks to constant training I moved into the coaching market and became a business coach. thanks to the community upgrade, it was enough for me to make 1 call with ted to close 13k contracts for 3 months of training with me with 3 online coaches! (received substantial advances) Now it's time to get out of debt and take advantage of the skills learned, putting them into practice and growing First successful route sold: "Fat to Fit in 1 Click" approximate translation from Italian... 3 month course that sold between €1,297/€1,497 Reference target: "Busy men (with no time) 35 to 45 who want to lose 5 to 15kg with 90 minutes of training a week without going to the gym" where they had: 🎁 Gift BOX Students 1. Bathroom scale (€50) 2. Food Scale (€30) 3. Dumbbell Set of 10Kg per side (€100) 4. Step counter watch (€60) 5. Elastic bands with handles for training (€40) 6. Video Stand + Support (€45) Total: €325 ✅ Graduated Nutritionist, Doctor and Gastroenterologist Specialist (VALUE: €1500) ✅ Personal Coach with over 7 years of experience (VALUE: €997) ✅ Personalized Meal Plan (VALUE: €497) ✅ Personalized Training Plan (VALUE: €447) ✅ Personalized Training Application (VALUE: €200) ✅ Chat support every 48 hours (VALUE €497) TOTAL: €4,463 for only €1,497... 16 bucks per day... I know marketing is fun :) If you also want to know my current offer in my new coach niche, which I have developed thanks to years of experience and Ted's precious help
New comment 3d ago
I made 13k  thanks to Ted and by the community upgrade (contentpreneurs) less than 7 days!
Movie Night 🍿
Want to see my list of the top 25 BEST films for entrepreneurial motivation & inspiration? Comment 'MOVIE NIGHT' below & I'll send you my list. Whenever I watch these films, I get fired up and I feel like I can do anything. If you're going to chill out and watch a movie, you might as well it motivational!
New comment 4d ago
Movie Night 🍿
If you run Ads... I need your help!! 🙏
I am currently pitching my ad video editing services to a marketing agency, And they have asked me to show my previous videos made I am going to share them this vidoe I created recently for a freelance coach Would you help me review this video before I share it with them so I might not get rejected! It would be of great help!!
If you run Ads... I need your help!! 🙏
do you know how to activate the cat?
New comment 1h ago
do you know how to activate the cat?
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