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Created by Daniel


Private • 20 • Free

Learn how to eliminate your distractions, improve deep work and focus skills ⏳

Daniel's Tribe

Private • 1 • Free


Adonis Gang

Private • 134.8k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

First $ Online

Private • 133 • $999/m

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 61.8k • Free

Lower Back University

Private • 122 • Free

32 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Help each other out in the comment section
Goal = 500 comments on this post from you helping each other. Give, and you shall receive. Help, and get helped. I will not reply once to this post. Go. ↓
New comment 1d ago
2 likes • 4d
I can help with your problems in: • Fitness • Accountability • Weight management And if you don’t want my help, what is your biggest fitness problem right now?
0 likes • 4d
@Kevin Tromp thank you for it Kevin. I’ll look those problems up and have the solution ready in my arsenal so I can help those people. Have a good one
Andrew Kirby's Sales Script 📖
This is Andrew Kirby's sales script that I tweaked a little bit (to make it less salesy), maybe you can use it for your personal use :) Every empty enter after a question is an answer, but I found this easier to read. It's obvious that they'll respond to your questions lol. 1.Introduction Hey [name], how are you doing? Great! And where are you calling from? Oh nice! I’m in [place]. It’s rainy/sunny here. But anyway, I know we don’t have too long so should we just jump straight in? Perfect. So my goal at the moment is to really understand my audience, so I can figure out how I can help them better. So, if it’s cool with you, I’ll run through a string of questions I have for you about your life, your goals and things like that? It should be fun Great. And by the way if you hear me typing it’s because I’m just taking a few notes. But we’ll just start with some basic questions. 2.Questions So, what does a day in the life of [name] look like? Walk me through what an average day looks like for you. [You can answer with nodding or saying “what a beautiful family”] So, what’s your main priority right now [topic] wise? What are your goals around [topic]? Okay, thanks for sharing this with me. [You can ask further follow-up questions if needed, like “how would that look like income wise?”. Why is this important to you? What would life look like for you after [achieving goal]? What has been the biggest challenge for you in [achieving goal]? [Ask more if needed, you are looking for the pain] Man that sounds painful/frustrating. How long have you been dealing with [challenge/pain]. [Push further on the pain, acknowledge how dealing with it for that time-frame must suck] So, what are you currently doing to achieve that [goal]? Or are you kind of on the first steps right now? Okay, that makes sense. How is that going for you? Are you getting results? Are you happy with how things are progressing? Hmm okay. So what do you think is missing at the moment for you to make this happen? What do you think you need?
New comment 23d ago
2 likes • 24d
Great post. Super valuable. Is it from the latest call?
How many Coaching Clients at once? 👀
First of all, I hit the 50 members (yay) but most importantly.. I will start coaching tomorrow! I offered it to 3 hard working guys for $1 because my community is called 'First $ Online' so it's only for the irony that I ask the price and 'make money' from it. I basically offered it for free so I can get people results, and once that happens my marketing is way stronger. Offering someone help for money doesn't feel right when I didn't help anyone get results first. In one of Hormozi's videos I learned that you can charge people with money or effort, so I just did it with effort. When they miss a upload/task that I told them to do, I will miss a call as a consequence of their actions. Seems like a fair deal to me. You work hard, I help you. You stop working hard? I skip a call. Oops. So that's my win and plan, but now I have another question. How many coaching clients can I take on? I will start with 3 but if the community keeps growing rapidly and I get my first clients results I will start offering others new packages of course. 10 at the same time? 15? I really don't know. I really want to be invested in them and help them so more than 15 is not reasonable for me. All advice is appreciated! :)
New comment 16d ago
0 likes • 28d
@Jan Blok It wouldn't make sense, they need to work on their own too, you can send them daily text messages if they wish
1 like • 28d
@Jan Blok that's right! motivation text every 12 minutes
I connect all models I learned from Naval, Andrew, Sam and more
What do you think about this? 🤔 TL;DR: - Networking is simply "making friends" - Frist 20-30 friends is very valuable for a strong network effect - By treating as friend, it could make it easier+fun to understand the 'niche' - Start and engage a community -> Do free work -> Do paid work -> Sell leveraged stuff
New comment 3d ago
I connect all models I learned from Naval, Andrew, Sam and more
1 like • 29d
It's a valuable post but I'd say get straight to the point, improve your first tweet, and get straight to the points you listed
1 like • 29d
@Tran Minh Tri Thank you man haha I appreciate the support. Keep going on with the tweets of yours!
Do you need to have your own Skool community to participate in affiliate marketing program here?
I saw someone made a post about affiliations from Skool and just want to be clear on it.
New comment 29d ago
0 likes • 29d
@Danail Doganov thank you
1 like • 29d
@Aidan Labreche Yes, it is there! Thank you
1-10 of 32
Daniel Gawin
78points to level up
Join my free community. I'm still building it, so if you want to help me build it and make it tailored for you, feel free to join.

Active 5h ago
Joined Jan 30, 2024
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