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How I'm kickstarting my community using a loophole on social
I was recently part of the High-Ticket Synthesizer cohort organized by @Andrew Kirby. He gave us everything we needed to start monetizing on Skool... fast! Step-by-step. It was awesome! 🚀 In one of the steps, he describes The Social Giveway or 2-Step post strategy. Which is basically a loophole on social media that can get you in front of a LOT of people. Today, I put that in practice on LinkedIn and here is what happened: ↳ over 90 comments of my ICP asking to join my community ↳ 39 membership requests in about 3 hours ↳ more comments requesting to join still coming in (last one was 5 min ago) Here is what I did... 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 1: Writing the post 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ First, I wrote a post with the following basic structure: - Authority: I started by stating something that tells them I know what I'm going to talk about. - Empathy: Then I said how I used to feel which is exactly how they feel today. - Plan: I said I'm creating a community to help them get the lessons without the scars - Promise: I shared what they can expect to find inside of the community To top it all off, I put some scarcity in the mix. I said we will start with 30 founding members and the rest will join a waiting list. You can see the full text in the screenshot. With that, I had my post ready. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 2: Warm up before posting 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ I learn from successful creators on LinkedIn that interacting before posting is key. So I logged in today and started commenting on my ICPs posts. The trick here is that I found a search term on LinkedIn that shows exactly who to target. This allows me to provide value to them in a very precise way. After commenting on 10 to 15 posts, I made my post. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 3: Posting 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ At 9:45 AM, I made the post and left it alone for about 10 minutes. To give some initial traction, I left a comment adding some extra authority. Around 10AM, the comments started to come in. I asked them to comment a very simple word: "aws"
New comment 3h ago
How I'm kickstarting my community using a loophole on social
You ask, I deliver
@Gabriel Vertrees xx
New comment 7h ago
You ask, I deliver
I was featured on a Live Webinar & Podcast!
I had an amazing time sharing a little about my journey and growth as a real estate investor and soon-to-be syndication operator with Matt Faircloth at the DeRosa Group! Check out the recording linked here:
I was featured on a Live Webinar & Podcast!
Made my first HT sale 💰 for 1K on day 13 of my Skool free trial 🤯
Before telling you the step by step i followed to achieve this result i want to give you some context. It was a friday afternoon i was watching some @Alex Hormozi video about CAC and LTV when for like tenth time he started promoting "The skool games" and my first reaction was like come on man stop, i won't enter to your game i have no community, i wish but i don't. Don't know why but this time the idea hit me differently. I thought, wait i wanted to have a community of people to nurture for a while but wasn't able to achieve it. Maybe this guy who makes millions of dollars, from whom you learned tons about marketing and business has something else to teach you. So that same day i created my free skool community, at that time i didn't even knew the rules, just knew that i had 14 days for free and then 99 usd (that in Argentina is like 150 usd with taxes). That weekend didn't come out of the house consuming content trying to understand the best way to create and monetize my community. The idea was clear, bring people that i could help into my free community, nurture them and then sell, but the question was how to do it most optimally because i only had 14 days. And then the monday came and i connected to the @Andrew Kirby live event he did in his community with the step by step of how to get your first High Ticket Client using this strategy. My mind was blown away, he gave me everything that i needed it to succeed i was sure about that. Now the question was could i do it before the free trial ends? So started to read everything that Andrew posted and every Q&A that Alex did. Everything i did was follow the instructions as much as i could. The first thing was traffic. Which method do i use? I chose cold outreach because if didn't work and i had to pay the skool membership didn't want to add any additional cost so started with this post and continued with a cold DM strategy inviting every person in my target audience that i could (in this case coaches) adding 10 people a day.
New comment 12h ago
 Made my first HT sale 💰 for 1K on day 13 of my Skool free trial 🤯
2 for 2 in Sales Calls
I used @Andrew Kirby 's system to a T and it worked like a charm. Closed one for $4400 and another for $999. Boom.
New comment 13h ago
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