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How are you making your community fun?
A real quick simple strategy is to use GIFs I'm not kidding Shit works try it 👇
New comment 4h ago
How are you making your community fun?
Ignorance is self inflicted
And inexcusable Thoughts?
New comment 6h ago
Ignorance is self inflicted
Choose a Prospect & create an ideal Product
A lot of us noobies (myself included) get stuck on "Which niche?" I think it's less about the niche and more about the product that serves a particular prospect. There are 9-figure businesses in almost every niche, those businesses just won't be worth the effort for you to battle it. Sorry. I believe in you but we're all noobs and you're outmatched and that's ok. Think about it differently. There's things about the PRODUCT that make it easier to sell. But there's also things about the PROSPECT that make THEM easier to sell to. It's about the merging of an ideal product that is super easy to sell that is sold to an ideal prospect that is super easy to sell to. Scaled forever. Easiest product to sell: a necessary surgery to keep you alive (dream outcome) that has 100% success rate over millions of times (low risk) and is done instantaneously (low time) and you only have to push a single button (low effort). No recovery time and no side effects (no sacrifice). This is around the offer/product/solution. Easiest prospect to sell: In pain, are aware they are in pain, wealthy, super easy to find, millions of them (and growing every day), super easy to work with, TRUSTS YOU, and has an enormous network and refers everyone else they know that are exactly like them your way. So when creating your free community to start, decide on the niche, then decide on the ideal prospect, invite as many of those as you can, and THEN create a product for them.
Choose a Prospect & create an ideal Product
Sales Calls Tracker Free Template
Just made sales calls tracker in Google Sheets inspired by the DART dashboard that Max Perzon created! Here you go :
New comment 10h ago
Sales Calls Tracker Free Template
Shiny Object Syndrome: For anyone new in the group.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” — James Clear I love this quote because it helps us see that the only way to remain consistent is having a system to stick with your plan. What I love most about Skool is the gamification side. It really helps to boost us. Especially if you are new to this platform or this community in particular. I was sat in the procrastinator stage level 1 for 1 year and honestly I wish I knew sooner how much opportunity I missed by not being active here. If I could change anything I would have just focused on one thing at a time. Because there are so many thought leaders on social media trying to get your attention it can be easy to get shiny object syndrome. Without a system it is easy to be reactive vs proactive. Try to see things through in this group because most of the information you need is here. Of course I do also recommend investing in yourself too if you find a paid community that fits your business needs but at least get to level 2 in here. It will give you momentum and you get to connect with likeminded people. Hope you enjoy the rest of your Friday.
New comment 13h ago
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High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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