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2x Your Success in 90 Seconds [Backed by data]
We did a big study of all Skool groups to see if there were any ACTIONS that increased people's likelihood of success on the platform. And it turns out, there's one big one. And the best takes less than 90 seconds. And I don't know about you, if I could double my likelihood of success by doing 90 seconds of work...I would stop everything I'm doing...and...DO IT. It's so easy, the only thing easier is...not doing it. But then, you'd stay where you're at - and that would suck. So...onwards. // ...DRUM ROLL PLEASE... THE ONE THING THAT CAN 2X YOUR SUCCESS WITH SKOOL: ๐Ÿ”ฅ INVITE 3 PEOPLE TO YOUR GROUP ๐Ÿ”ฅ (keep reading for explanation of mechanics below) // By doing that one action alone, it transforms your Skool page into a GROUP. ๐€๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฉ๐ž๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐จ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ž๐ฒ. (I'll be teaching this later in this cohort) You can't have a community without 3 or more people. 1 = lonely 2 = conversation 3 = community! Which makes sense...groups that are...well...groups...succeed...because...they're GROUPS. // GROUP PREPARATION Most people think they need to spend weeks preparing their group before they start taking action. This is the wrong approach. Start, then learn. Don't learn, then start. All you need to do is make one post in your community. The title of the post is: "START HERE!" Inside the post say: "Hey! Welcome to the community. Thrilled to have you here. This place is going to be amazing. For now, leave a comment introducing yourself to the group." That's it. You will improve everything as you go. That's all you need to do for now. Trust me. Action. Action. Action. The data doesn't lie. Invite three people and you'll feel way more accountable to them. // Then once you've done that it's time to start inviting people. Feels scary, I know. But... "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear". -George Addair Fear is the sign you're doing the right thing. So smash through your fear with action. Okay? Good.
New comment 11h ago
2x Your Success in 90 Seconds [Backed by data]
How I signed a $2,000 client (Step-by-step) UNTAPPED
Hey everyone! I wanted to share with you how I signed one of my clients for $2,000. Before: - Sending THOUSANDS of DMs on Instagram praying for someone to be a fit. - Sending HUNDREDS of LinkedIn connections per week. Now the way that I go about it it's actually leading with value and PROBING to people that I'm an actual subject expert. Ok, Jesus but where do I do that? "You go where your ICP hangs out at" Skool allows you to do that EASILY. You join Skool Communities that are in the industry of your ICP. For me it was people learning how to create, launch and scale infoproducts & communities. I joined a couple of this groups (1 paid btw) And I started helping EVERYONE THAT I COULD. I sent Looms, DMs, jumping on calls. Just providing massive value. That I know people charge hundreds per week JUST FOR IT. I did it for free. Genuinely just helping people. Until someone asked in one of this calls "And do you usually help people with this?" "Yes, I do jaja" "How much do you do it for" "Well it really depends on how much support you need?" "All that you can, just help me create, launch and scale my community" "$2,000" "Deal" And that easy I signed my first client with this method. SIMPLE: 1- Join Skool Communities where you ICP hangs out at. 2- Genuinely help A LOT of people. 3- Become a top engager in the community. 4- CLOSE. Pro Tip: Open a Skool Community where you help out people achieve X doing Y in Z time help tons of people have testimonials and POOM. MORE TRUST. I did this and yeah I can literally show people that I know how to create, launch and scale communities. Going for the Skool Games on August. Well. Hope it serves someone out there thinking how they can use Skool for the Client Acquisition :) Godspeed /Jesus
New comment 11h ago
How I signed a $2,000 client (Step-by-step) UNTAPPED
Am I being impatient here or are people not open to talking abt this?
Hey everyone, so I'll keep this quick. My offer is helping content creators get rid of lower back pain. And I've been cold DMing people left and right(at least 100/day) and I'm noticing that the people I'm messaging either don't have it or don't want to tell people they have it. I am in a reddit community where people talk abt having back pain left and right, but there isn't many active members so it isn't the most reliable with lead generation. And I'd say in 1 in every 100 DM I sent(realistically 1-3) might have low back pain. So I'm just wondering, are people embarrassed to talk about it and admit they have lower back pain? I need some other people's perspectives on this because I want to do the things that will actually get the calls booked but what I'm doing isn't doing that.
New comment 12h ago
How do you do a BIG LAUNCH that MAKES MONEY? (I need help)
Hey everyone! I'm reaching out for help as I aim to boost sales during the upcoming Skool Games event where I plan to hit $15,000 in New MRR. I need guidance on executing a successful product launch to ensure a HUGE flow of sales fast! Your detailed input and strategies would be greatly appreciated!
How do you do a BIG LAUNCH that MAKES MONEY? (I need help)
What Do I Make My Niche About?
You Can Get Your Answer in About 10 Minutes If You Just Follow the 5 Steps in This Post Example: I help people new to entrepreneurship figure out what to make their niche about in under 10 minutes (and avoid months of wasted time and stress). A big part of the pressure comes from this idea that you have to โ€˜get it right the first time.โ€™ Itโ€™s the fallacy of the โ€˜perfect pick.โ€™ In reality, itโ€™s never like this. Your original idea is guaranteed to suck and be wrong and not the thing you do a year or two from now - when you've refined it 6 more times. So get your wrong idea out as fast as you can. And simply make it less wrong over time. Until eventually itโ€™s so little wrong that itโ€™s actually right. So letโ€™s just rip the bandaid off and get your first version out there. STEP 1: PICK WHAT YOU WANT YOUR NICHE TO BE ABOUT Niches typically form around one of the 3 Ps: - Profession: Some skill you learned from a job or gig. Think โ€œaccountingโ€ - Pain: Some problem youโ€™ve overcome personally or helped someone else overcome. Think โ€œovercoming food allergyโ€ - Passion: Something that interests you whether you like doing it or like learning about it. Think โ€œbuilding model carsโ€ So pick your profession, pain youโ€™ve overcome, or passion you're into. STEP 2: PICK WHO YOU WANT YOUR NICHE TO BE FOR WHO will either be: - People like you - People like youโ€™ve helped before - People you think are underserved - Or a combination of all three. STEP 3: DESCRIBE THEM AS THEY SEE THEMSELVES โ†’ In a way they can say โ€œthis is for me.โ€ For example, if I wanted to help people like me, Iโ€™d say: 30 to 45 year old businessmen. So you want to think through the following variables: pick 3 (ish) - Age - Gender - Profession - Problem - Interest STEP 4: GOOD STUFF YOU HELP THEM GET + BAD STUFF YOU HELP THEM AVOID BY PICKING YOUR NICHE This is where you show them how much easier, faster, and risk-free it is to get what they want with you versus how slow, painful, and risky it is to do it on their own.
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High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
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