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Private • 58 • $999/m

Facilitator Club

Public • 6.1k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

16 contributions to Facilitator Club
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
2 likes • Nov '23
@Benedict Odjobo thank you!
2 likes • Dec '23
@Kristy Taise I was married on Maui back in 2004.
Butter for off-line/in-person events?
Hey community, I have searched Skool and can’t seem to find an answer so I thought I would post here. Has anyone used Butter to deliver an in-person session? I have a former colleague from my higher education days that wants a workshop done for her students. I am thinking I will just use 2 laptops, one as the presenter and the other as a participant (which is the one I would broadcast to the room). Thoughts? Darren P.S. Apologies to @Anamaria Dorgo @Christopher Holm-Hansen and anyone else it the Butter community that already so this post there!
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
Hey FC community, I plan to use Butter for an upcoming "off-line/in-person" workshop in a few weeks. I will keep you posted it how it worked out...what to improve, etc.. Cheers...D
Out of the blue...
Hey FC, So out of the blue I had a call from a former student (I taught in higher ed) and a past colleague (held similar roles in a sister University) about holding a workshop for them. Back in the day I used to hold a 10-day Design Thinking bootcamp for 100 university undergrads in the summers. They are looking for a 1/2 day session, in-person (I prefer remote) and I am trying to do them a favour. I was thinking of still using to run the session and I am fairly comfortable with what I am going to present but I am hung up on price. I don't really need the work but I also don't want to undersell myself. In my past consulting life (circa 2010) I would charge $2500 USD a day or normally by the project so like $9-18K. Thoughts?? D
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@LaYinka Sanni for a 4 hour workshop that is 2 hours away, I would probably be in the $3-4K range.
1 like • Nov '23
Thanks for all the feedback! Workshop is confirmed for 3 hours and $3K. I am thinking about recording it (using Butter) and potentially turning it into a low priced tripwire.
The eagle has landed! 🦅✨
After a couple of months of intense study, practice, and Inner Circle Mentorship, I’ve landed my first official Sprint!! I’ll be collaborating during a 9-Week Customer Experience Sprint with key members of an AI startup, providing consulting advice, and helping improve the flow, look & feel, and overall experience for a new digital product. The main goal will be to assist the team in establishing product/market fit and proving traction. Among the many fancy exercises I’m planning for this engagement, we’ll collect User Challenges, perform Task Analysis, and build a User Story Map. I will also help them complete a Lean UX Canvas to establish our testing hypotheses, and document a Product Roadmap to identify and prioritize additional features. The pièce de résistance and main deliverable will be an interactive, high-fidelity prototype we’ll use to get feedback from test customers in several rounds of Usability Testing. I am extremely happy and grateful to the AJ&Smart team, for ensuring I did the deed. Special mention of course to @Jonathan Courtney but also to @Rebecca Courtney, @Tim Höfer, and so many others that pointed the way forward. I also want to give thanks to the many colleagues who helped me to grow, and who took time to practice with me some of these exclusive top 1% skills. Too many to mention, so suffice to say if I forgot you I owe you a tall drink ;) whenever you’re in Florida! Here it goes… Thanx to @Graham Thompson @Julie Taplin @Yash Mehta @Jill Banks @Abdul Salam @Benedict Odjobo @Javier von Westphalen @Ömür Yanıkoğlu @Riya Korah @Tarrush Kapoor @Chrissy Braun @Elli Nikolaou @Celine Tran @Teresa Middleton @Irina Volfson @Michelle Audsley Myers @Kristi Shumway @Keith Wasserman @Sabine Braubach @LaYinka Sanni @Lina Robayo @Luca Terminiello @Alexandra Pinegger @Trevor Wood @Kristen Cattell @Hind Bayane @Laure Duchamp @Bret Koontz @Coco Curry @David Marks @Anat Akiva @Talia Johnson @Chris Davis @Shelley McKeating … You’re All Stars!! 🌟✨
New comment Nov '23
The eagle has landed! 🦅✨
2 likes • Nov '23
Congrats @David Rovira
So, what does AJ&Smart actually do???? (and how to work with us!)
Hey, Workshoppers! Jonathan from AJ&Smart here! Almost every day, I receive multiple DMs and comments asking something along the lines of: "Where can we see an overview of what AJ&Smart actually does??" "What products/services do you offer clients?" "How can I/we work with AJ&Smart?" To answer this, I've decided to make a very lo-fi overview of our entire business model, our pricing, and most of the things we sell! So, if you've wondered what we do, out of either curiosity or because you're interested in working with us, then hopefully this is helpful! In a nutshell, we offer: - MOST PREMIUM: Consulting, Design Sprints, Strategy Sprints, Facilitation Training for teams, Running a company Hackathon/Keynote. This is only for larger companies. Prices range from $25k-$400k. (see more on our website) - MID-RANGE: Our Workshopper Master course & coaching program for Facilitators and Innovators who want to make a career out of Facilitation. Prices from $6k. (Learn more here) - IN-PERSON TRAINING: Want to learn Collaboration Design, Facilitation and Workshopping directly from the AJ&Smart team in-person? We do that too! - FREE STUFF: This group, YouTube, all our books and social media channels. The video attached will tell you everything else you need to know, but above is a little summary! If you have any questions, or if I missed anything, lemme know! Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Jun 21
So, what does AJ&Smart actually do???? (and how to work with us!)
1 like • Nov '23
@Jonathan Courtney I joined the AJ&Smart ecosystem back in 2017 or maybe later through your Design Sprint course. Are those still offered?
0 likes • Nov '23
@Jonathan Courtney thanks for the quick response! So is the Workshopper, 20 seats per month? It is on my radar but I don't want to schedule a call just yet because I probably won't be ready until March/April to fully commit.
1-10 of 16
D Darren MacDonald
30points to level up
25+ yrs solving problems with human-centered design, ex-Fortune 500 consultant, MBA Strategic Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Skiing Enthusiast!🇨🇦

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 7, 2023
Nova Scotia, Canada
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