Out of the blue...
Hey FC,
So out of the blue I had a call from a former student (I taught in higher ed) and a past colleague (held similar roles in a sister University) about holding a workshop for them. Back in the day I used to hold a 10-day Design Thinking bootcamp for 100 university undergrads in the summers.
They are looking for a 1/2 day session, in-person (I prefer remote) and I am trying to do them a favour. I was thinking of still using Butter.us to run the session and I am fairly comfortable with what I am going to present but I am hung up on price. I don't really need the work but I also don't want to undersell myself. In my past consulting life (circa 2010) I would charge $2500 USD a day or normally by the project so like $9-18K.
D Darren MacDonald
Out of the blue...
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