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Synthesizer School

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12 contributions to Synthesizer School
Don't let your phone control you
Hey! Yesterday I found this great article on one of Tim Ferris 5 bullet Friday emails. Basically the author explains how you can configure your phone to work for you, instead of you working for your phone. This article talks about eliminating distractions and optimizing your device for deep and focused learning. It sounds pretty simple, but in reality there's a ton of settings you can change to have a less distracting and more useful phone. So after reading the article I was decided to change my phone to maximum focus mode 😎 I didn't follow all the advice because some settings seemed too extreme, and some others unnecessary. And I also didn't subscribe to the premium plans of the apps he mentioned. The most important things I changed: - Turned off almost all notifications - Hid social media and messaging apps - Added the Screen Time widget (in the second screen) - Turned on focus (similar to do not disturb feature) for the entire day - Organized my apps and folders - Reorganized my home screen - I set up text replacement shortcuts for writing faster At the end it turned out very well! If you want to change your phone to focus mode as well, read the article and feel free to share a screenshot of the before and after here. Before | After
New comment Aug '22
2 likes • Aug '22
@Cotton Sam I do something quite similar for social media but instead of redownloading it I only access it on my laptop, but putting it away in general is a brilliant idea. I also added the Chrome Extension Mindful Internet Use to it so when I access a social media I first have to complete a task before going there for a set time.
The blog is live - and I posted my first piece of content!
Feedback is in need and much appreciated! If you have some spare time please visit the blog and tell me: - whether you find the website appealing (colours and layout) - your thoughts about the presentation - is it clear what the blog is about? - There are currently two blog posts online - one for a brief introduction and the other is the first real topic. Please give me some feedback on how you like the content and the length of it - longer or shorter reading time? - I want to post once a week - won't make it more often, otherwise, it is going to be hard to still have a life alongside studying at med school and working ~10h a week. Also, please share everything else that comes to mind. Thank you so much!
New comment Sep '22
2 likes • Aug '22
Congratulations Philipp for getting out there! - Site looks clean - Mission is clear - I really liked your article about your time - shared it right afterwards with some friends. Additional thoughts: - I often times see an estimated reading time next for the articles - did you think about adding these. I like them. - In you time article - I thought the picture from "Kurzgesagt" was a little bit too dark or with to little contrast. With a dimmed screen you might not see the weeks before 20. Just something to keep in mind.
Please RSVP: Free Accountability Calls Are Back!
You guys loved the last season of free mastermind calls, so we're bringing them back. These calls are a place for Synthesizers of all skill levels to come together and make magic happen. They're great for accountability, connecting with other Synthesizers, and brainstorming how to grow. - You can find call times in the Calendar. - @Wiktor Romanowicz will be hosting again. I will not be present. This is a place for you guys to meet, not for me to get involved. - Only available for members Level 3 or above. To give us a rough indication of interest, please comment "Attending" if you're planning on coming to one of these calls.
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Aug '22
@Anessa Ryce I don't know how long it usually goes but I can message you when we finish.
1 like • Aug '22
@Anessa Ryce We're done with today's session
Let's scale the channel!
Been in here for a while, been following Andrew for a while, and yesterday I decided to double down on my youtube channel. Here's the first video I just uploaded since decided to go all in on youtube: Would love any feedback at all! Background story about me: I've been running my health & performance consulting business since January 2020. It's been going really well, but I am looking to take things to the next level by becoming a real Synthesizer through my Youtube channel & Tiktok. Looking forward to the journey!
New comment Aug '22
2 likes • Aug '22
Damn .. that was a good video overall! What I liked: - you did not really beat around the bush to make the video longer (that happens way to often) - you are authentic and relatable in the video - you speak clearly and with good pace What I think can be improved/added to reach a broader audience and hold retention: - thumbnail - you don't have one - background music (personal preference) - I think you could polish the video just a tiny bit more in post production (e.g. adding text or transitions, and when you do that you can also add some sound effects to emphasise and reengage the viewer)
I need your help to solve burning out...
Hi everyone! I'm a music producer and mixing engineer who lost the desire to work for other artists. For 10 years I earn money working as a freelancer. Thanks to Naval's, @Andrew Kirby 's and Graham Cochrane's content I understood that I need to scale my income through knowledge. 1,5 years ago I created a YouTube channel which has now 6600 subs. It definitely helped me to get clients from all over the world who helped me to increase my rates and get some 1-on-1 students, also with good rates for me. Several times I've been building momentum, but eventually I took too much work and felt very tired and burnt out. I had this vicious cycle two times already: Creating content -> More (and better) clients and students (more income) -> No time to create content -> Burning out (less income) -> Failing on my and clients' deadlines -> Recovering -> Creating content Lately I tried delegating my music production work when I had too much projects at the same time (seems like the problem for me is saying "no" to money when the opportunity arises). It worked much better and helped me free time, and earn even more. However once again I see that it's extremely hard to scale that model too, it involves more risks. The desire with content for me was to be able to earn passive income. But I ended up being overwhelmed with tasks, projects and then failing with everything. Now I'm creating a music production course, hope that it will bring me more money (now I earn $2000-3000 per month, the goal is $10000 per month). My newly born twins (5 months old) brought the need to earn more, and I'm fed up with the feeling of burning out. I think that going to work, but instead ending up crying at park for three hours pretty much says it all. Or having projects in the calendar but staying at home with my family and watching TV series for the whole day while my mother does everything related to home stuff. I tried working with psychologists and a coach, but eventually this story repeats... The ambitions and very productive state leads me to burning out. I think that it's the feeling of extreme responsibility and accountability (for me, family, clients) destroys my mental health. And leads to prolonged periods of tears, unproductive work and barely making my ends meet...
New comment Aug '22
2 likes • Aug '22
Hi Vlad, Thank you for taking the courage and sharing your story. As a general thing: Consistency will be required in some shape or form not only to be but especially to stay wealthy. I am onboard with your idea on creating virtual assests to gain leverage on time you invest. However, I think there will always be maintenance tasks (similar to owning real estate) It may be hard to give a very general advice on your situation. One thing in advance, since you cycled through this twice already it is probably not helpful to repeat the cylce by doing the same things. Couple of things may be helpful: - Maybe something you lack is momentum abd motivation -> regain some by start with the smallest and easiest thing you can think off that brings you towards your desired goal. Do it and then be happy about the small success. I tried to explain the concept here: - Another thing you could do is to find out wether it‘s you who‘s bringing you back to stage one or if it is your process. Both causes are probably fixable. I don‘t want to guess too much so maybe let us know what’s currently your no. 1 thing that‘s holding you back from taking action :) Looking forward to your answer; hope this helped.
0 likes • Aug '22
@Vlad Freimann I guess you know your answer the problem ;-) - How easy do you make it for yourself to work on something that's more long term driven? - Also, in regards of your current money making activities. Did you go over the processes/activities that are linked to your current earning methods and checked if you can optimize them? The easiest would be to go through them with a EAD approach. E-liminate, A-utomate, D-elegate approach. (go in order). Maybe you can chafe off some hours in the week by eliminating, delegating or automating certain tasks.
1-10 of 12
Raphael Mayr
21points to level up
Self-Improvement, Sports, Books, Challenges YouTube Starter: Challenges and Self-Experiments for mind and body

Active 275d ago
Joined Jan 20, 2022
Austria 🇦🇹
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