Vlad Freimann
I need your help to solve burning out...
Aug '22 (edited) in Other
I need your help to solve burning out...
Hi everyone! I'm a music producer and mixing engineer who lost the desire to work for other artists. For 10 years I earn money working as a freelancer. Thanks to Naval's, 's and Graham Cochrane's content I understood that I need to scale my income through knowledge.
1,5 years ago I created a YouTube channel which has now 6600 subs. It definitely helped me to get clients from all over the world who helped me to increase my rates and get some 1-on-1 students, also with good rates for me.
Several times I've been building momentum, but eventually I took too much work and felt very tired and burnt out.
I had this vicious cycle two times already:
Creating content -> More (and better) clients and students (more income) -> No time to create content -> Burning out (less income) -> Failing on my and clients' deadlines -> Recovering -> Creating content
Lately I tried delegating my music production work when I had too much projects at the same time (seems like the problem for me is saying "no" to money when the opportunity arises). It worked much better and helped me free time, and earn even more. However once again I see that it's extremely hard to scale that model too, it involves more risks.
The desire with content for me was to be able to earn passive income. But I ended up being overwhelmed with tasks, projects and then failing with everything.
Now I'm creating a music production course, hope that it will bring me more money (now I earn $2000-3000 per month, the goal is $10000 per month). My newly born twins (5 months old) brought the need to earn more, and I'm fed up with the feeling of burning out.
I think that going to work, but instead ending up crying at park for three hours pretty much says it all. Or having projects in the calendar but staying at home with my family and watching TV series for the whole day while my mother does everything related to home stuff.
I tried working with psychologists and a coach, but eventually this story repeats... The ambitions and very productive state leads me to burning out. I think that it's the feeling of extreme responsibility and accountability (for me, family, clients) destroys my mental health. And leads to prolonged periods of tears, unproductive work and barely making my ends meet...
Thanks to everyone in advance! Love your community. It will be great to read your comments and maybe watch some content about similar situations which other people already solved.
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