Pedro Carrion
Don't let your phone control you
Don't let your phone control you
Yesterday I found this great article on one of Tim Ferris 5 bullet Friday emails. Basically the author explains how you can configure your phone to work for you, instead of you working for your phone.
This article talks about eliminating distractions and optimizing your device for deep and focused learning. It sounds pretty simple, but in reality there's a ton of settings you can change to have a less distracting and more useful phone.
So after reading the article I was decided to change my phone to maximum focus mode 😎
I didn't follow all the advice because some settings seemed too extreme, and some others unnecessary. And I also didn't subscribe to the premium plans of the apps he mentioned.
The most important things I changed:
  • Turned off almost all notifications
  • Hid social media and messaging apps
  • Added the Screen Time widget (in the second screen)
  • Turned on focus (similar to do not disturb feature) for the entire day
  • Organized my apps and folders
  • Reorganized my home screen
  • I set up text replacement shortcuts for writing faster
At the end it turned out very well!
If you want to change your phone to focus mode as well, read the article and feel free to share a screenshot of the before and after here.
Before | After
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