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Coaching & Accountability Call is happening in 6 days
Webinar: Establishing Atomic Classroom Habits with Tim Warre
Can you join us on May 8 for our webinar with Tim Warre? He'll be talking about establishing Atomic Classroom Habits. When: Wednesday May 8 Time: 12PM Toronot/6PM Spain Where: Zoom - register here: Do you have questions for Tim ahead of the session? Or on atomic classroom habits? Add them below and we can start the conversation. Hope to see you there! Here's a quick session description: There’s usually at least one or two in every class. Those students whose writing assignments you look forward to correcting, the ones who revise their notes, make use of every extra tool or link you share with them and obviously consume English content for pleasure in their free time. How can we help the rest of the class take a leaf out of these students’ books? In James Clear’s 2018 book “Atomic Habits” the writer discusses the power of making small 1% improvements to our daily habits and how these incremental changes can have long-lasting compounding effects. This talk will look at ways we can apply this principle and theories of habit formation in general to a classroom setting. Attendees will leave this talk with practical ideas and tweaks they can make in their own classes, as well as a longer-term framework for putting their students on a path to more effective and rewarding language acquisition.
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Live: The Big 4 of ESL Niches
These are 4 of many niches we see in the ESL world. And they're all wrong. Not because each has a flaw, but because they really don't give enough information to judge. If you've followed us for a while, you know we don't advocate "choosing" a niche. It's not like going shopping. Rather, we recommend "creating" your own niche. And this is because your success of selling what you offer depends not on what niche you work in, but more so on the deeper elements of that niche. We'll explore these in our live this Wednesday, April 24. Takeaways: - You'll know the criteria of a superficial niche - You'll know what you need to uncover to know what your prospects actually want - You'll be able to turn that into what you sell (hint: it's not about language) Hope you can join us! Check the calendar for the time where you are:
Productizing the Problem you Solve
Did you join @Leonardo Gomes and I last week for our chat on creating a product for your business? If you missed it, here's the replay. We talk a lot about "productizing the problem you solve," which is our version of two things: 1. Creating your own niche of one 2. Not just selling your time Starting with 1:1 lessons can be a good place to start if you've never taught before. But you can't teach 1:1 forever. And that's where a "product" comes into play. This has many forms of course, and we looked at a few of these during this live. In summary, you need 3 things to do this: 1. A problem you solve 2. A solution to that problem 3. A specific avatar who needs both of those Hope this helps!
April Workshops - Join us?
Happy April, all. We wanted to share with you what's going on in April - we have quite a few events happening to help you build your businesses. Check out the calendar in TSN for all the details and the times where you are. Here are some highlights: 1. Podcasting for your business - I spoke with Laura Wilkes from the TESOL Pop podcast about leveraging a podcast for your business. Watch the replay here. 2. Productizing the problem you solve - Join @Leonardo Gomes and I next week for a workshop on moving on from 1:1. Join here. 3. Leveraging AI in your business (TAP only) - Join @Leonardo Gomes for a workshop on using AI to move your business forward. *This is for TAP members only. Book a chat here to see if it's right for you. 4. The Big 4 of Niche Teaching - @Leonardo Gomes and I will go over the big 4 areas that most teachers settle on and some pros and cons of those. In the bigger picture, we'll go over criteria to use when choosing a niche. Hope to see you at some or all of them!
Because you can't teach 1:1 Forever (Recording)
Thanks to everyone how joined @Leonardo Gomes and I this week on for our session on 1:1 offerings. When you're starting your teaching business, 1:1 makes a lot of sense and it actually a great choice. You learn about your first clients, their needs, and how you can help them best. But then 5, 10, 15 years go by and you're still doing that. Then what? If you want to have a business that fits your life, you need to ask: WHY am I doing this? What is your "why"? For many of you that we speak to, it's to teach less and earn more. And that won't happen with a 1:1 offer. In this session, we look at some options instead of 1:1. Add your takeaways below. And if you want to chat with us about how you can implement this in your business idea, start here:
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Helping new teacher entrepreneurs get their business off the ground and create their first product. Build together and leave low paying jobs behind.
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