Productizing the Problem you Solve
Did you join and I last week for our chat on creating a product for your business?
If you missed it, here's the replay.
We talk a lot about "productizing the problem you solve," which is our version of two things:
  1. Creating your own niche of one
  2. Not just selling your time
Starting with 1:1 lessons can be a good place to start if you've never taught before. But you can't teach 1:1 forever.
And that's where a "product" comes into play.
This has many forms of course, and we looked at a few of these during this live.
In summary, you need 3 things to do this:
1. A problem you solve
2. A solution to that problem
3. A specific avatar who needs both of those
Hope this helps!
Andrew Woodbury
Productizing the Problem you Solve
Helping new teacher entrepreneurs get their business off the ground and create their first product. Build together and leave low paying jobs behind.
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