Andrew Woodbury
Because you can't teach 1:1 Forever (Recording)
Because you can't teach 1:1 Forever (Recording)
Thanks to everyone how joined and I this week on for our session on 1:1 offerings.
When you're starting your teaching business, 1:1 makes a lot of sense and it actually a great choice. You learn about your first clients, their needs, and how you can help them best.
But then 5, 10, 15 years go by and you're still doing that. Then what?
If you want to have a business that fits your life, you need to ask: WHY am I doing this?
What is your "why"?
For many of you that we speak to, it's to teach less and earn more. And that won't happen with a 1:1 offer.
In this session, we look at some options instead of 1:1.
Add your takeaways below.
And if you want to chat with us about how you can implement this in your business idea, start here:
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