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Content Academy

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Creator Party

Public • 2.9k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free (Free)

Public • 5.6k • Free

The Content Cookout

Private • 23 • $98/m

The 7-Figure Entrepreneur

Private • 2.6k • Free

Sebastian Gomez Group

Private • 2.8k • Free

Digital Operations

Private • 3.6k • $27/m

Grow With Evelyn

Private • 2.5k • $49/m

54 contributions to Content Academy
Programmatic Landing Pages w/ Airtable + Webflow + Make|Zapier|APIs
Anyone doing programmatic landing pages? I'm working on this now. If you to do a little hiveminding reach out. Basically the problem I'm solving is being able to automate / semi -automate the updating all the elements|components|building blocks (take your pick of a landing page: 1 - text / copy - RED LEGO BLOCK 2 - video / multimedia - GREEN LEGO BLOCK 3 - graphics - YELLOW LEGO BLOCK 4 - code (ex tracking, payment link integration, optin form code, aff links etc etc) - PURPLE LEGO BLOCK what other element might be missing? #GameChanger 🤯
New comment Apr 15
0 likes • Apr 15
@Samuel Sander I'm a media buyer
0 likes • Apr 15
@Tylan Miller wordpress and high level are nice, been using WP since 2007. Moved to Webflow. High level is nice but it's not made for programmatic content. It will get a job done just not what I want to do.
🎙 Anyone Need a Guest for Their Podcast to Talk Content?
Hey Guys, I'd love to jump on your podcast to talk content creation, production, distribution, etc. If you have a slot and are interested in having me, I'd love to talk 🙏 Drop a comment below or feel free to DM me.
New comment Apr 7
🎙 Anyone Need a Guest for Their Podcast to Talk Content?
1 like • Dec '23
Do you have a minimum audience size Stephen. I run a Linkedin Group (still relevant for more corporate crowd) and it may be interesting to stream to there and youtube. Obviously you could slice and dice the content however you want!
1 like • Apr 7
I have a podcast assistant now and with streamyard simulcasting can broadcast to my 5200+ verifiable audience on Linkedin @Stephen G. Pope - do you have a booking page you can DM - also can have my podcast booking assistant send over info. TX!
Zapier vs
Just saw your tiktok about not using zapier. As I built out your system on it and have starting some new automations myself, do you suggest moving to @Stephen G. Pope
New comment Apr 14
0 likes • Apr 7
the answer I think is both because both do one thing well....we are approaching kinda like the apple and microsoft phase of things....only it's the new microsoft when it comes to Make that builds pretty good hardware and software vs being far behind....
Do you incentivize your editors?
Hey all just curious how you all set up your payment model or incentivize your video editors? There is some decent talent on Upwork and other similar sites. They generally charge a flat rate based on the video length, complexity of the edit, etc, and while they might do a really good job at first to impress you, they tend to become more lax after some time with many mistakes or just creating content that doesn't make contextual sense or flow. It seems to make more sense to have a payment model that rewards editors more if the video performs well. Do any of you use an incentive based model? If so, how did you structure it? Thanks!
New comment Apr 5
2 likes • Apr 3
Jason Akatiff Performance Marketing God (lol - hella OG) does this with creatives - video and graphic designers. If they produce content that hit CTRs above a benchmark they get rewarded with performance based pay. I believe this incentivizes them to want to learn their craft better and take command of upskilling themselves on what it really takes to generate direct response from viewers....You can also google (excuse me if you know the name) James Van Elywyk. Both are 8 figure media buyers.
Gemini AI Code for Youtube Title Shorts (B2B Content)
I literally just recorded this on my phone and used the prompt in the title. I am following the "document don't create" ethos. Sometimes you just want to get content up and out the door. The link to the Gemini AI code is pinned in the comments. What do you think? Gary Vee style "Document Don't Create" B2B Content Marketing from the Batumi #documentdontcreate - YouTube
Gemini AI Code for Youtube Title Shorts (B2B Content)
1-10 of 54
S Barbara Abidoye
25points to level up
Passionate about using 1st party data & small data sets (under 10TB) for growth via: Ads, APIs, Airtable & Automation. End game = Search Fund.

Active 79d ago
Joined Aug 15, 2023
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