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Facilitator Club

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7 contributions to Facilitator Club
One trait all unsuccessful consultants have (and how to fix it):
Hey Workshoppers, I usually don't cross-post anything from our Workshopper Inner Circle community but this video I made for the group today kinda exploded and created a lot of really interesting conversations. So I said fuck it, let's pop it in here too :) P.S. Applications are still closed right now for joining our Inner Circle community, if they open again any time soon we'll post about it here 👍🏻 **************************************************here's the post*********************************** Hey all! I spend a lot of time coaching or being coached. I spend a lot of time around hyper-successful entrepreneurs and consultants, but also people who are stuck (and stay like that forever). I have some thoughts about what keeps people stuck and what makes people successful. I decided to make a little video about something I think is going to hold a LOT of you back from achieving success. It's a bit of an experiment so lemme know if it's interesting! Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Nov '23
One trait all unsuccessful consultants have (and how to fix it):
0 likes • Aug '23
Got me wondering : For those who have a “natural” sense of urgency…how do you do that? How do you know you have got the sense? If you know that and can explain the steps and thinking strategy to create that feeling..couldn’t others learn how to do it? What do you think, see, hear, feel when creating a sense of urgency…and in what order.
0 likes • Aug '23
@Jonathan Courtney I’ve been looking into/ reading/ playing with ideas in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and how to approach the modellling of other peoples thinking so others and I might learn faster how to do what they do….especially experts in something..who do things unconsciously, and “without thinking” The unconscious thinking strategies/habits they use…often unconsciously. You said “Felt like I was in a rush” “to make it (?) happen” “Someone told me something” “Found exciting” “Just JUMP on it” “Start executing” How did you do that in your mind and thoughts? What caught your attention How do you process the information In what order What had to be right to move forward How did you represent this. Maybe the strategy went Rushing to an important goal (vision?) aaWhat made speed important? Heard something that connected to the vision Felt excited (how did you do and feel that) Jumped (prepare, push off, pause, land) how did this look feel and sound like in your mind Execute ( what steps to follow and how did you know) Making this explicit (and better than this) means another person can follow the thinking recipe and create a sense of urgency in their own context. Above only a bit of an experiment…
Hi I'm Martin. I've started to think seriously about how I might use facilitation in my work as a market researcher and insights partner inside a lifesciences company undergoing a lot of organisational change. I work remote ( UK, Midlands) with people across the world so Miro and other virtual collaboration tools are my main medium for collaboration and facilitation. I've a marketing background (since the 1980's) and shifted into research and insights in early 2000's I've done workshps efore and like frameworks and got the thinking need to get serious as the thing about research and insights is until someone acts on it, it has no value. I want also to find ways of using facilitation type exercises (recipes) to see if I can reduce time and effort that research takes in setting it up, project managing it and reporting it out as presentations....and what I call insight activation workshops. Looking forward to learning and contributing and creating new ideas.
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
@Manohar Hegde Apologies for not replying earlier. How have you used facilitation in your work?
0 likes • Jul '23
@Matt Ganson it’s nice and warm with me. Nice to meet where are you? I’m coming at and exploring Sprint possibly from a different angle. I’m in a company and it may have relevance. Though I’ve self funded. I work in market research and I want to see if I can adapt the philosophy and practice successfully to shortening the design or research programmes, help Product managers do their own customer and market research and even use it to speed up and streamline my personal work…ie non team contexts. Also considering if and how I might get good at this quickly and use it somehow as a business, related to customer and market insights and foresight and developing strategies together…..remotely
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
5 likes • Jul '23
English Midlands Burton on Trent
Do you use the term "workshops" or something else? Advice requested!
Hi all! I left my full-time consulting job to start a business earlier this year. One of my main offerings is workshop design and facilitation to help teams solve complex problems more collaboratively. So things like brainstorming, pain point identification, stakeholder alignment, etc. I define workshops as collaborative working sessions with targeted activities that encourage attendee participation and more focused discussion on specific challenges. They are alternatives to traditional meetings to help teams spend their time more productively and reach actionable next steps in a short period of time. However, as I’ve been researching and conducting informational interviews, I’ve realized that “workshops” means something different to different people. Some think of it like I do, others like a training session, and still others have a different definition. While I understand that we could call these workshops anything we want (we could even make up a name!), because the important part is the value we bring, I’m still finding it hard to connect with potential customers at times because of the disconnect with the term “workshops”. So my question to all of you who are facilitators offering similar workshops….what do you call them?! If you call them workshops, how do you communicate with people what that means on your websites and in your conversations? We’ve had some suggestions from people to call them “working sessions” to indicate that work is done in the workshop and it’s not just training. Or, do you stay away from mentioning the “method” (which is a workshop) entirely on your website/marketing materials and use your introduction conversations to focus on the value you bring? For example, something like “We can help your stakeholders create a shared vision and kick off this initiative on the same page and with the same priorities" and then just talk through my definition of a workshop. I am curious to hear any advice from you all!
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
How about “moot” (tongue in cheek)
Workshops from books : What's the "meta" process
I remember hearing how Jonathan Courtney extracts workshops from books. Sprint, as a book about Sprint workshops, is an obvious example. What I'd like to do is create a generic methodology/workshop for doing this transformation systematically. The idea outcome would be workshops/workflows that speed up attaining nrew skills and utcomes What steps could I use to read and process a book, or only part of it, and turn into a practical workshop...and what underlying principles shoud I comsider? Say. take Atomic Habits and turn it into a Habit Design workshop, or Effective Data Storytelling Brent Dykes) and turn it into a Data Story Workshop(s) that transforms research raw data into a data story. Got any thoughts, methods, mindsets?
New comment Mar '23
1 like • Mar '23
For clarity I’m not looking to take any copyright off anyone, simply looking to design a way to take ideas in books and make them useful and incorporated into a workshop. I only used Mr Clears book as an example of the kind of non fiction book. Still monte rested in a step by step approach to designing a workshop.
0 likes • Mar '23
@Shaul Nemtzov Thanks. Again I’m not looking to copy from any book content. Simply extract the essence of the idea and then create a workshop design that produces a result. I like the idea of making a canvas that captures the principles embedded in a book (or article) and the use it to structure exercises that manage peoples attention and creativity to produce an output. One I’m very interested in would be a workshop that designs a 20 minute online questionnaire. Rather than 2+ days produce it in 2 hours.
1-7 of 7
Martin Silcock
3points to level up
Worked in marketing and research and insights since the 1980's. Love ideas, innovation, learning, history, archaeology...high curiousity quotient.

Active 358d ago
Joined Feb 23, 2023
UK Midlands
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