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Created by Laszlo

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For Software Engineers who want to level up their skillset & land their high-paying dream job as a 10x Developer.


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22 contributions to Content Academy
Faceless YouTube Automation
Hey guys, After seeing @Stephen G. Pope's faceless video generator, I thought I would give it a try to recreate the process on my own. I was able to automate about 80% of the creation of a YouTube short from scratch, including the script, the voiceover, the images, and the rendering of the video. 😎 Here is a sneak peek of the flow in and a video I created with it: Let me know what you guys think about it.👇
New comment Jun 15
Faceless YouTube Automation
0 likes • Jun 15
@Joseph Odongo 🙏 I’ll share more soon
Thanks To Everyone Looking Out For The Community!
@Rob Ruscher @Greg Tresler @Dani Goeppert @Mark Mage @Istvan Toth @Mark Wood @Darren Parker @Shubham Borad @Laszlo Horvath @Laszlo Csomor @Gert Leroy Keeping the content quality high is vital for success! Thanks! P.S. if you reported it too and I missed it, thank you 🙏
New comment Jun 22
Thanks To Everyone Looking Out For The Community!
1 like • Jun 13
@Stephen G. Pope Thank you for mentioning!
The #1 Skill For Building A Community
👉 Letting other people help you 👈 (at least for me, this was the hard skill to develop) I'm kind of the build in private type, solo kind of guy, very independent. The act of building a community is quite foreign to me, I still feel that way now. But what I've learned here in the Content Academy (and also in my new community) is that the real skill for building community is letting people help you. You want people to enjoy the community, stick around, right? The only thing that will really do that is all the people. People will burn through all your course material in minutes. Then what? I mean, you can use the Skool leaderboard and give people access to courses as they engage and get points. But does that REALLY drive the right behavior? People start to game it, and just post to get likes to unlock courses. Something deeper has to be there. You just need that core of 3-5 people that are active to run even a 4000+ community. And another 5-10 that come and go from time to time. That should be your focus, the people—more than trying to burn yourself out creating more and more course material to keep people fed. The truth is most people aren't using that info, instead, how can you actually change their behavior, get them to use the info, and benefit from? That's the key. People need to be progressing in some way to stay with you. And thanks everyone for making this such a great place!! 🙏
New comment Jun 23
3 likes • Jun 12
@Stephen G. Pope as a Software Engineer myself, I can totally resonate with being a "solo kind of guy".
🎬 Video Workflow Webinar - Video now available!
Hey everyone! Thank you to those that joined up for our workshop where I shared my process on organizing my notes, formatting into an outline for Youtube, and how I keep all my projects and files organized. I've gotten a lot of great feedback and this will help us make the future sessions even better. Feel free to comment in this thread or DM me directly if you have any questions 👊 🗂️ Folder Structure for Video Projects 🏷️ Labeling format for Raw footage, Editing Timelines, & Final Outputs P.S. What would you like the next webinar to be about? Any specific topics/strategies/problems you want to tackle?
New comment Jun 4
2 likes • Jun 2
Hey @Rob Ruscher! Are you planning to share the recording with everyone or only with those who attended?
2 likes • Jun 2
@Rob Ruscher awesome news, thank you!
No-Code Architects IS LIVE!!
$60/month for life, price goes up at 100 members. (currently at 75)
New comment Jun 3
3 likes • Jun 2
1-10 of 22
Laszlo Horvath
64points to level up
👨‍💻 Lead Web Developer & Engineering Manager with 15 years of XP. Enthusiastic about AI tools and Automation.

Active 4h ago
Joined May 1, 2024
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