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Get the Public URL
1-How to avid this " Please note that your image must be hosted on a publicly accessible URL and you cannot host your images on Google Drive even if the file is shared publicly because Instagram API is not able to download files from Google Drive. The same applies to Dropbox URLs." 2- how to Get G-drive Image URL? 3- other ways to store the image then get the public URL ? the flow Attached i can not publish G-drive Photo to Instagram or even to the FB.
New comment 1d ago
Get the Public URL
🤦‍♂️ Build 100% Automated FACELESS Videos
In this video I show you how to completely automate FACELESS videos using Make, Leonardo AI, Airtable, ChatGPT, ElevenLabs, and JSON2Video. I build everything from scratch!! It's a FULL tutorial! Here's a link to some of the prompts and JSONs used in the videos →
New comment 2d ago
🤦‍♂️ Build 100% Automated FACELESS Videos
YouTube AI ChapterBot With (full tutorial)
This is a FULL tutorial, nothing is left out! But if you do want easy access to the Airtable base and Make blueprints, join the No-Code Architects. 27 spots left at $80 /month (lock in for life). In this video I'll show you how to fully automate your YouTube video chapters. From scratch. We'll set up the Make automation to download the transcript, analyze with AI (Claude) to extract the chapters, and then finally update the YouTube description. 100% automatically! The is a full tutorial end to end! I show everything in the video. It uses OCodeKit which is pretty cool and allows you to use code in your automations. We'll learn more about this as we go. If code intimidates you, no worries, this code was written by ChatGPT!
New comment 3d ago
YouTube AI ChapterBot With (full tutorial)
💰CANCEL Your Monthly API Subscriptions (Build Your Own API)
In this video I’ll show you how to eliminate the hundreds of dollars you spend monthly for subscriptions services in your automations. We'll use AI to build a nearly free API that can replace all the costly subscriptions. We're even releasing a Make(dot)com custom module to make it super easy to use.
New comment 12d ago
💰CANCEL Your Monthly API Subscriptions (Build Your Own API)
Think rich - get rich
Now one thing Ive learned from having mentors... Mindset plays a more important role than you think... See I hate speaking about this, action always wins, however you need to have both belief and delusion when you start. Belief to think its possible is what will let you start but delusion is what will take you to the top. I had belief to keep going after I failed for years, and now my delusion has me thinking 7 figure/mo are round the corner. Its always important to be in the correct boat so that when you row hard, you actually move. But your mindset will make the journey on that correct boat a lottttt easier. When I thought $10k/mo were special, I couldn't make a penny. But when I found a new circle, with people ahead in the game, making numbers I thought were once out of reach, everything shifted. For me, $1,000,000/mo is inevitable to happen, time really just has to catch up. I promise you, once you expose yourself to a new reality of whats actually achievable. And luckily for me (and you), we are currently experiencing the biggest revolution of our lives... A.I And now Ive leveraged my A.I Infrastructures to set me on the path of 7 figure/mo for myself and clients. Everything is out there for the taking. Change your beliefs, and use the revolution to your advantage.
New comment 15d ago
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