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6 contributions to Facilitator Club
Greetings from Lindau Bodensee, Germany
Hello Everyone, I am happy to be a new member of this community. I am currently working as a Global Product Launch Manager at an Austrian lighting manufacturer with +6000 employees. In the latest months I have been enjoying the workshop facilitator role for our go to market process development workshops. In this way I have discovered that I have a talent for this subject, that I could develop, so I've started following AJ & Smart posts, which I always find interesting. I am looking forward to interact with you and learn from each other's experiences and use cases.
New comment Jun '23
Greetings from Lindau Bodensee, Germany
1 like • Jun '23
Greetings to Lindau @Ioana Trandafir. Make sure you reach level 3 soon, useful resources are waiting 🤩 10 points to go!!
Newbie question: how does size/type of organisation change things
Hi All, I'm just in the process of working through a lot of content and working out who I might want to work with. My background is mainly in medium-large corporate organisations but smaller creative organisations have recently been a much better fit for me in my project management work. Does anyone have experience of working with smaller organisations? If so, do you have any insight into how needs and appetites of the different organisation types/sizes differ so I can try to direct my messaging in the right way to those smaller, more creatively driven organisations? Thanks so much!
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • Jun '23
@Kirsty Starmer where are you based? In Europe, there are many countries that offer programs especially for SMEs (Small and Mid-sized Entreprise) and provide resources. Along these topics that are being worked on, you can see what the challenges are for the companies. That can be not-so-juicy things like dealing with supply chain issues or exchange rates and taxes. But there are also management and collaboration topics. This is an exemple from Austria - It popped up first in Google search and also has an English translation.
Teen Workshop: Collaboration and Teamwork
I have been invited to co-facilitate a teen workshop on the above topic👆. The workshop is upon me in a day. And I thought I should share, I welcome suggestions. If you have facilitated with teenagers before, I will be glad to learn from you too on any activity appropriate for the group. Thank you 🙏
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • Jun '23
@Benedict Odjobo great question. How did it go? I am very curious. I will soon run a workshop for teens but in the context of sports and physical activity. I start with an exercise where the participants tell something about themselves. So that I get an impression of their life and reality as quickly as possible. The question: What superpower would you like to have? And why? Always reveals a lot of great insights. And makes people look good in the process, which is important for all of us. But for teens especially.
How do you store your activities and ideas?
Hey Legends! When I'm designing a workshop or program I've got a huge amount of activities that fall under different topics that I could pull into a workshop and use. Probably like most people here. Right now I just keep them haphazardly in google docs, as part of course outlines etc. I thought of a new activity this morning that doesn't have a natural place and that got me thinking "surely there's a better way to manage this". So my question is - does anyone use miro, trello or something else to store/manage discreet activities that may be used across topics? Happy to provide an example if this doesn't make sense.
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • Jun '23
@Vicki Baker great question! I definitely recommand the 4C Framework as @Rebecca Courtney and @David Hefendehl pointed out. This system tremendously helps to organize the exercises and activities. I also recommend building a Personal Knowledge Management. This is not another overwhelming project 😅. I am convinced that you are already doing it. All we need is a slightly more intentional, more deliberate way to manage that information, plus a few practical habits to ensure it gets done. Personal Knowledge Management is very helpful regarding note-taking, dealing with information overload and findability of data. Especially the maze / mess as @Renko P. has just described so beautifully.
Failure Forward: what have you learned to succeed even more?
Let's accept it - workshops not always go as planned, and we are always dealing with 'oh-no' situations (at least me!) So I thought to share and also learn from everyone's failures but with the mindset of 'failing forward' - every mistake can turn into a stepping stone for success in the future. I'll start with one learning from this week, and I'd love to hear your lessons learnt too! [plan] In an online workshop where participants from various countries were expected, I did an ice-breaking exercise where I shared a screen of a white world map and asked colleagues to put a stamp on where they are at the moment. [what happened] it took forever for some participants to find out how to stamp and annotate on zoom, while some got it immediately. So it wasn't smooth. Lots of scribbles on the white board too. And, actually majority of them were from the same countries so the activity didn't really serve the purpose of showing the diversity of participants. It fell flat and made it a not-so-cool start of the workshop. [lessons] - keep the technology super simple, especially if you aren't sure of the level of familiarity - have some back-up questions/activities, in case one question didn't spark interest,
New comment Mar '23
Failure Forward: what have you learned to succeed even more?
4 likes • Mar '23
@Tomoo Okubo great question! I love to read the comments. @David Newman mentioned Michael Jordon. Sports and athlete mindset are a very useful for facilitators. 🏀Practice over and over again. 🏀See it as a game, encourage playfulness. 🏀Integrate the best methods from other disciplines = Pelé learned how to fall savely through Karate lessons.
1-6 of 6
Katharina Brandenberger
35points to level up
Urban Logistics Expert

Active 13d ago
Joined Jan 17, 2023
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