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Facilitator Club

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41 contributions to Facilitator Club
Where did design thinking go wrong?
Hi everyone, in case not seen, this was an intriguing article about the evolution, hype and future of design thinking approach by Rebecca Ackermann published on MIT technology review, Feb 2023. Their analysis of how design thinking hype often turned into an ‘innovation theater’ without meaningful and structural changes was particularly thought-provoking, and spoke to some superficial workshops I have attended. What are folks take?
New comment Apr '23
0 likes • Apr '23
@David Newman These are great and important considerations on the process - thank you so much for sharing!
0 likes • Apr '23
@Bertha Barrera I fully agree with your conclusion, and agreed so much on what DT is and isn’t. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
What is your go-to tool to quiet a room?
I'm curious what y'all use to bring silence back to a room (e.g. after a breakout discussion)? With the first program I was trained to facilitate (Search Inside Yourself) we used a singing bowl like the pic attached. Works like a charm, but definitely has a mindfulness vibe and isn't perfect for every setting. Are there are tools, techniques, etc. that you've found work well?
New comment 13d ago
What is your go-to tool to quiet a room?
0 likes • Mar '23
@Maria Halse Duloquin Oh fantastic!! That's great to know. Thank you Maria!
1 like • Mar '23
@Jan Keck this is so good! Now I need to find one of those chickens to have it with me!
How Can Facilitators Improve Communication Skills for Clear and Engaging Interventions in Meetings
Hello facilitators! I'm looking for recommendations on improving speaking and communication skills, which I believe are essential to any job and especially to facilitation. In particular, I'm interested in learning: - How to make interventions concise and clear - How to engage the audience and make a lasting impression - How to discern the appropriate timing for interventions particularly in meeting/workshop settings. Any tips or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
New comment Mar '23
1 like • Mar '23
@Rebecca Courtney I am watching this as we speak - such great thoughts in great delivery! Thank you for sharing, Rebecca!
1 like • Mar '23
I want to learn facilitation
After going through couple of videos from @Aj Smart youtube channel, I feel learning to facilitate is really going to help me in my career as a UX/UI Designer. But my question is where can I learn about it? Where can I learn those tricks, where can I learn to build a 'robust' toolkit?, etc. You know the internet is an ocean of knowledge, but I can't read/study everything, so if you know any resources to follow please let me know.
New comment Mar '23
0 likes • Feb '23
@Divyansh Pandey That is very nice of you to say. Enjoy the resources!
1 like • Mar '23
@Shannon Wagers love it! We Never stop learning 🔥
Any coaches out there?
Hi everyone! Just thought to see if there are any coaches in this group - I think it'd be nice to feel connected! As someone who's passionate in both coaching and facilitation, I see a lot of link between the two skills - especially listening, partnering, asking questions and reflecting back. Does anyone else find the two skills linked? A bit about me: I did my coach training with Damian Goldvarg and I'm on my way to get accredited as Associate Certified Coach by ICF this year. Would love to connect with other coaches here!
New comment Mar '23
1 like • Mar '23
@Matteo Cassese Hi Matteo - very interesting to learn about your background. Communication skills coach is a new title/area for me, but I can imagine the demand! Great to be connected.
1 like • Mar '23
@Shannon Wagers Yes. And I see similarities also in that it's not the coach/facilitator to do the work or advise, but it's us helping individuals/groups achieve their goal.
1-10 of 41
Tomoo Okubo
308points to level up
Loves bringing out the best in people! Works for the United Nations (Mozambique, Nepal, Thailand, Sierra Leone, now in New York); coach; facilitator

Active 272d ago
Joined Jan 19, 2023
New York
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