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The Spanish Enablers

Private • 3.3k • Free

Edúcate Con Kevin

Private • 1.9k • Free

YT Profit School

Private • 14.6k • Free

Elite Setters Community

Private • 9.7k • Free

Spanish With Patry

Private • 160 • $37/m

MarkGrowth (Gratis)

Private • 7.2k • Free

Beyond Borders Academy

Private • 1.4k • Free

Men of Action: Forum

Public • 2.4k • $5/m

127 contributions to Men of Action: Forum
The Game
10%—> luck 20%—> skill 15%—> concentrated power of will 5%—> pleasure 50%—> pain 100% reason to learn, play and master the game… 🫵🏽
New comment 3d ago
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100% facts
1 like • 6d
@Carlos Garcia yes by being prepared...
Photo session
I'm going to have a photo session with a photographer and I'm looking for examples of photos from other MOA members on similar sites. I already searched the geolocation and there aren't many that are MOA style. Can you help me find photos of moa boys from these places? I want to show these photos to the photographer so that he can be inspired and know what we want at MOA Golf Shooting gallery Terrace with views to lake Terrace at the top of the city Hotel bar Hall of a hotel Luxurious restaurant Thanks!!
New comment 6d ago
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I came to say this... you got this
🔥Simplifying The Hotness Scale
I’ve always found the typical 1-10 hotness scale a bit problematic. Firstly, it’s very inconsistent when it comes to actually rating a girl’s attractiveness. One guy will rate a girl a 6 whilst another one will rate the same girl as an 8. At the top of the scale, things get a bit more consistent since most men agree on who the real 10s are, but the further down you go, things start to break down remarkably. Like, what’s the difference between a 4 and a 5? Nobody knows. And secondly, I’ve also seen that even though the mathematical average of the 1-10 scale is 5, no one thinks of average girls as 5s. Average-looking girls usually get about a 7 or an 8 grade, and a 5 is usually considered to be of below-average attractiveness even though it is, in fact, the average. So that skews the whole ranking system upwards, making it once again, inaccurate and unhelpful. I remember watching a proposal for a different rating system years ago and I thought it would be a good idea to bring it up here and see what you guys think about it. This rating system is extremely simple, so it dispenses with all the variability and imprecision that is inherent in the 1-10 scale. The system uses a scale of 1 to 3 as follows: 1s: These are girls that are so unattractive you wouldn’t have sex with them even with your best friend’s dick. 2s: These are girls that are attractive enough for you to have sex with them, but you wouldn’t tell a soul about it and would prefer to take the secret to your grave. 3s: These are girls that are so attractive you would not only have sex with them but you would also proudly shout it out so the entire world knows about it. What I like about this system is that not only is it simple and effective, but that rather than seeking to objectively evaluate a woman’s attractiveness score (which is impossible to universally agree on), this system gets to the core of what is truly behind the whole purpose of rating girls in the first place: the pride or shame of dating or having sex with a particular woman.
New comment 12d ago
1 like • 13d
@Kyle Mullaney interesting scale
Business Bros stick together
Business owners do things for each other. They give each other deals on services for each other, let each other use their vacation homes, take their mutual friends on their boats and airplanes and all kinds of stuff. Guys who make money gravitate toward other guys who make money because they realize it is a particular kind of mindset. Value and scarcity dictate all human relationships.
New comment 10d ago
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Networking 101
Post Worthy?
For the group photo, which one is better?
New comment 12d ago
Post Worthy?
0 likes • 13d
@Casey Herzog i agree, i have the urge to neck knuckle that guy
1-10 of 127
Juan Rivera
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Aprendiendo español

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 24, 2024
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