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[New] “Steal My Algorithms” Social Circle Shortcut
Who would get the girl in this situation? - Man with Ferrari and a 6-pack - Man with a regular 9-5 and a Toyota Corolla The truth is… That’s a trick question (I know, I know – cheesy). What I didn’t mention is the regular 9-5 guy STOLE my “algorithms”... And is running circles around the rich hunk. But why would an average dude steal the wealthy guy’s girl? Because your looks and money DON’T matter when attracting women… Your “operating system” does. Most men don’t realize… But their inner “algorithms” (which everyone has)... Are actually REPELLING women… Even if you don’t know it. This is how you’ll see the bald, overweight guy in Old Navy clothing walking down the street with an absolute 10. And because I know how CRITICAL inner algorithms are for building high-status social circles… I’ve spent 25+ years developing MY algorithms… Which works on auto-pilot… And allows me to attract any girl I want (college girls, goth girls, etc). And I can install these hidden algorithms for you in “Steal My Algorithms.” Here’s a breakdown of what’s inside “Steal My Algorithms”: ✅ The Abundance Algorithm: How I created “too much” social and monetary wealth in life ✅ The Suspension Algorithm: How I compress 20 years into 2 weeks ✅ The FOMO Algorithm: How I generate massive attraction in just a few clicks ✅ The Easy-Mode Algorithm: How I set my dating life to the easiest difficulty level (and still date models) ✅ The Pressure-Cooker Algorithm: How I went from a total loser to a celebrity networker ✅ The Mastermind Algorithm: How I create a personal mastermind group of A-Players ✅ The Personal-Monopoly Algorithm: How I created my personal “fun monopoly” all over the world ✅ The Shortcut Algorithm: How I cut corners and level up faster than anyone ✅ The Headmaster Algorithm: How I invest my money for massive returns ✅ The Handshake Algorithm: How I network to grow my business For less than a Starbucks… You can install my internal systems… That has led me to date Playboy models 10 points out of my league…
New comment 12d ago
New Members - Start Here! [Required Reading]
Welcome to Men of Action Forum - A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain. ➡️ All new members must read and understand the community guidelines: ➡️ Introduce yourself here: ➡️ Read the "Social Circle Manifesto." It explains Men of Action's philosophy: ➡️ Complete "High Status Networking 101" for the first four steps of the Men of Action: ➡️ Check out "MOA Community News 🚨" for the latest from Michael and the Men of Action team: P.S. - Interested in earning extra money online? Join MOA's affiliate program!
New comment 12h ago
Simple Rule for Texting
Every text conversation you have with a girl must follow this simple rule: Suppose the thought of someone other than you and your girl reading your permanently archived romantic exchanges makes you feel embarrassed. In that case, you are doing something wrong that will eventually lead to your girl dumping you. An example of texting from a beta: YOU: Good morning, baby! 🙂 I had a great time with you last night! HER: Me too. Can’t wait to see you again. YOU: Free this Thursday? I miss you ❤😘 HER: Aww. Thanks, sweetie. Call me later. YOU: 😀 Will do! 🙂 People reading this will puke a little and say “What a lame-ass. Like that’s gonna last.” An example of texting from a place of alpha: YOU: {nothing} HER: Are you there? Haven’t heard from you in a while. YOU: Hey, babe. What’s up? HER: The love last night was incredible! Have u been thinking of me? YOU: Just a little. HER: 🙂 Miss you already, baby! ❤😘 YOU: {nothing} The difference is clear. This man has kept his responses shorter than his girl’s and intriguingly aloof. He has refrained from emoting effusively. An objective third party would say “He’s cool. Bet he gets laid a lot.” You want to be a man people think gets laid a lot, even if you don’t. *Avoid texting on a regular basis. It is borderline beta. A man should not have the empty time to punch in a frivolous conversation with a girl using only his thumb.
Feminism is Socially Accepted Misandry
When fathers exhibit harmful behavior toward their children, it is frequently linked to specific personality traits, such as those outlined in the Dark Triad: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Research suggests individuals with these traits prioritize self-interest over empathy, which can manifest in neglectful or abusive parenting. Such traits may also intersect with societal patterns; some argue that certain interpersonal attractions or cultural norms inadvertently reward these characteristics, perpetuating cycles of dysfunction. While this topic warrants deeper exploration, the core issue remains distinct from ideological influences, focusing instead on individual psychology. Feminism, Gender Role Reversal, and Parenting: Feminism’s critique of traditional gender roles has undeniably reshaped societal expectations. However, critics contend that its modern iterations often invert these roles rather than dismantle them, fostering adversarial dynamics. For mothers, this shift may manifest in two extremes: over-coddling sons to fit a sanitized, non-competitive ideal or, in cases of resentment, subjecting them to emotional or psychological harm. The former approach, while well-intentioned, risks stifling resilience and ambition, while the latter reflects a broader cultural tension where maternal authority can morph into dominance. Simultaneously, men are increasingly pressured to adopt passivity, suppressing traits like assertiveness to align with revised social norms. This role reversal, critics argue, generates confusion and dissatisfaction, particularly among women who may feel alienated from innate desires for partnership and motherhood. Data on declining female happiness in Western societies is often cited as evidence of this dissonance, though interpretations vary. Rhetoric, Victimhood, and Asymmetric Accountability: Central to the critique is feminism’s framing of gender relations. Men are broadly cast as beneficiaries of systemic oppression (“the patriarchy”), while women are portrayed as perpetual victims. This narrative, critics argue, dismisses male experiences of vulnerability and female agency. For instance, cases of female aggression toward men are frequently minimized or excused, reinforcing a cultural double standard. Such asymmetry not only undermines accountability but also perpetuates mistrust between genders.
Two Productivity Laws to Maximize Efficiency
1️⃣ Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): 20% of your efforts drive 80% of your results. Keep narrowing—take the 20% of the 20% until you reach the 1% that creates the biggest impact. Eliminate distractions and ruthlessly execute your 1% action that drives the majority of the results. 2️⃣ Parkinson’s Law: Work expands to fill the time available. Set strict deadlines to force efficiency. Example: When cleaning, I set a 25-minute timer, prioritizing the biggest mess first. Constraints drive ruthless prioritization. If I set an hour, it would take an hour—compressing the time forces efficiency. Master these, and you’ll get more done in less time. 🚀
New comment 5h ago
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