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How do you guys handle guys cat calling 😽at a girl you are dating?
Like to hear your inputs fellas
New comment 3h ago
Henry Rollins nails it
Fellas! Remember you have the right to your standards and boundaries as much as a woman does, even if it’s inconvenient! 🤟😎💥
New comment 6h ago
Dating sources
Sources you used to better your dating ?
New comment 7h ago
Mindset shifts
• From fixed mindset to growth mindset: Embracing challenges and seeing failures as opportunities for growth. • From scarcity mindset to abundance mindset: Believing there are enough resources and opportunities for everyone. • From fear of failure to embracing failure: Seeing failure as a stepping stone to success and learning. • From seeking perfection to embracing progress: Focusing on continuous improvement rather than perfection. • From focusing on problems to focusing on solutions: Shifting focus from problems to finding and implementing solutions. • From blaming others to taking responsibility: Taking ownership of one's actions and outcomes. • From seeking approval to self-validation: Valuing one's own opinions and choices over seeking validation from others. • From fixed identity to flexible identity: Being open to change and growth in one's self-concept. • From avoiding discomfort to embracing discomfort: Understanding that growth often comes from stepping out of one's comfort zone. • From self-criticism to self-compassion: Being kind and understanding towards oneself, especially in times of failure or difficulty.
New comment 10h ago
How to overcome scarcity mindset 101 with basic how to
Internally: Changing Your Mindset • Recognize the Signs: • Acknowledge feelings of desperation or the belief that there are very few potential partners out there for you. • Notice if you're settling for less than you deserve because you fear not finding someone else. • Develop Self-Confidence: • Work on self-improvement through exercise, hobbies, and learning new skills. This builds self-esteem and makes you more attractive to others. • Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself about your imperfections and dating setbacks. • Adopt a Mindset of Abundance: • Believe that there are plenty of potential partners. Each interaction is an opportunity, not a make-or-break situation. • Visualize positive dating experiences to reinforce the belief that good outcomes are possible. • Focus on Personal Growth: • Prioritize your own growth and happiness over finding a partner. This can make you more appealing and less needy. • Engage in activities that enrich your life independently of dating, like travel, learning, and socializing. • Stay Positive and Hopeful: • Keep a positive outlook on dating. Reflect on what you can learn from each experience, regardless of the outcome. • Maintain hope and openness to meeting new people. Externally: Changing Your Behavior • Expand Your Social Circle: • Attend social events, join clubs, or take classes where you can meet new people. • Use dating apps with a strategy: Focus on meeting people with similar interests or values. • Be Proactive: • Don't wait for others to come to you. Initiate conversations, ask people out, and show genuine interest. • Be clear about your intentions and desires in dating, which shows confidence and clarity. • Practice Generosity and Empathy: • Show genuine interest in the people you date. Ask about their interests, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations. • Being generous with your time and attention can make you more attractive and appealing to others. • Handle Rejection Gracefully:
New comment 21h ago
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