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Status Accelerator Call is happening in 3 days
Advice on investing
Is it still a good idea to invest in stocks and bonds at this time?
New comment 8h ago
How do you enjoy business?
Honestly how do you enjoy capitalism and working for money which is ultimately not real, how do you just enjoy this? I am trying to learn sales, and I hate this. It’s dumb, I feel like I’m bothering people and pushing things that they don’t need, I hate commercials and I hate people selling to me, so how do you enjoy it? Where is this fun, or an exciting challenge? This feels like a waste of time and I do see others loving sales, I don’t see how though.
New comment 2d ago
Goal progress
Just broke company teams daily and weekly sales record last week. Will keep taking action 💯💯💯
New comment 4d ago
Any cripto pros here?
Looking for like minded investing inidivudiald with experience to talk about with and create more wealth.
New comment 5d ago
Business Bros stick together
Business owners do things for each other. They give each other deals on services for each other, let each other use their vacation homes, take their mutual friends on their boats and airplanes and all kinds of stuff. Guys who make money gravitate toward other guys who make money because they realize it is a particular kind of mindset. Value and scarcity dictate all human relationships.
New comment 10d ago
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