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Men of Action: Forum

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Women are leeches!
Even if I was a multi-billionaire, there is no woman alive that is beautiful enough or sweet and submissive enough for me to have a relationship with one because ALL women just want a man so she can be provided for.
New comment 3d ago
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Man, I know that cold, isolating feeling you get when someone's just being fake nice 'cause they want a piece of you. It's like living in your own fucked u version of the Truman show... There are some real snakes out there, and you gotta keep your guard up. But, hey, there are good people too, and when you find them, life feels a bit less like a bad acid trip. I was crashing at my grandma's many years ago, no cash, no job, and my one and only friend was a stripper. She was the one who kept my gas tank from hitting empty, took me out for burgers, even got me some threads. She even had this picture of us, framed, right there in her room. Just like you, feeling lost in the crowd, unseen, unappreciated, there are women out there who feel the same damn way. They're not just eye candy; they've got stories, they've got scars. They get tired of the creeps who only see them as a good time, not a good person. Finding a guy who genuinely cares about you, not for what he can get, but for who you are, that's like finding gold in this garbage dump we call the dating pool. That's all had to offer, and thats all she needed. But, here's the kicker, she wanted more than just a friendship. She wasn't what I was looking for, and now we've gone our separate ways. Sh was reeky upset the feelings she had for me were not mutual... So, yeah, while you gotta watch your wallet around some of these creatures of the night, there are a few angels out there, balancing out all the darkness. Just tread lightly.
Maximising Networking in Your Free Time ⏳
You don’t need endless hours to build a strong social circle - it’s about using your downtime wisely. Choose high-value spaces like the right gym, bars, or meet-ups where you’re more likely to connect with ambitious people. Be proactive in these moments - start conversations, show genuine interest, and look for ways to add value. Even a quick interaction can lead to long-term connections if approached correctly. How do you network efficiently outside of MOA events ? Drop your thoughts below 👇
New comment 7d ago
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@Phil Dave Several girls I dated hmu online, pretty much every girl that tried to get me to marry them were online stalkers before we met up… You are right though I need to get outside. Been working on my list, got 7 confirmed to go the the next babes in toys and but want like 100 confirmed so at least 5-10 show up.
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@John Hindley You are right, when I do occasionally venture outside it is quite refreshing. If all goes as planned over the next 2-3 months I’ll be sailing smooth and focusing a lot more on myself and networking outside.
Don’t judge me
Why you need to stay away from people that do not hold themselves accountable and put their feelings before others well being…
New comment 4d ago
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@Freddy Wijaya Hey mister! How DARE you miss spell the gender alphabet…. It is spelled LFBTQP+ for pedophiles and more… #namblawouldfrownuponyou
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@Freddy Wijaya Jokes aside. I like to acknowledge the P in LGBTQP+ because regular gays don’t like lgbt because they are at the core of the movement coming after kids and most gay dudes just want to be left alone with their buddies.
🔥Simplifying The Hotness Scale
I’ve always found the typical 1-10 hotness scale a bit problematic. Firstly, it’s very inconsistent when it comes to actually rating a girl’s attractiveness. One guy will rate a girl a 6 whilst another one will rate the same girl as an 8. At the top of the scale, things get a bit more consistent since most men agree on who the real 10s are, but the further down you go, things start to break down remarkably. Like, what’s the difference between a 4 and a 5? Nobody knows. And secondly, I’ve also seen that even though the mathematical average of the 1-10 scale is 5, no one thinks of average girls as 5s. Average-looking girls usually get about a 7 or an 8 grade, and a 5 is usually considered to be of below-average attractiveness even though it is, in fact, the average. So that skews the whole ranking system upwards, making it once again, inaccurate and unhelpful. I remember watching a proposal for a different rating system years ago and I thought it would be a good idea to bring it up here and see what you guys think about it. This rating system is extremely simple, so it dispenses with all the variability and imprecision that is inherent in the 1-10 scale. The system uses a scale of 1 to 3 as follows: 1s: These are girls that are so unattractive you wouldn’t have sex with them even with your best friend’s dick. 2s: These are girls that are attractive enough for you to have sex with them, but you wouldn’t tell a soul about it and would prefer to take the secret to your grave. 3s: These are girls that are so attractive you would not only have sex with them but you would also proudly shout it out so the entire world knows about it. What I like about this system is that not only is it simple and effective, but that rather than seeking to objectively evaluate a woman’s attractiveness score (which is impossible to universally agree on), this system gets to the core of what is truly behind the whole purpose of rating girls in the first place: the pride or shame of dating or having sex with a particular woman.
New comment 6d ago
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Alright I'll dive into the art of rating the fairer sex, but with a touch of class, or at least, my version of it. 1. You don’t rate them a 1. Why? Because that's where you find the saints of the geriatric ward and those with physical disabilities. That's just not cool, man. 2. Now, these are the girls where even calling them "ugly" feels like you've crossed into asshole territory. You wouldn't be caught dead with them in public, let alone in bed. It's not about their looks; it's about the vibe, you know? Or perhaps it's because she looks she spent her whole life smelling bad cheese... 3. Here we're talking about the slightly below average gal. The one you'd share a ride with to work, maybe grab a coffee, and you wouldn't cringe if someone saw you. She's the type you'd consider marrying if you were down on your luck, maybe living in a van by the river. She'd just be grateful for some decent, non-cheese smelling dick. 4. This girl’s a step up. She can stir your loins without even trying. You're not embarrassed to be seen with her; in fact, you're hoping people think you're nailing her. But, she's got to work some magic to earn that wife status if you aren't parking your van down by the river anymore. 5. Ah, the dream, the fantasy. The kind of girl you'd lock down in a heartbeat if she was all sweet and untouched, but is down right dangerous if she knows how hot she is... She's the one who can walk into any room and own it, the kind where simps throw money at her problems just because she “happens” to mention them. Like when her car runs out of oil and some simp buys her a new one. True story.... This 2-5 scale? It's genius because it doesn't let you settle for any “safe” numbers that obscure your opinion with “average” numbers. There's no middle ground here, folks. You're either above or below, and it acknowledges there's a special kind of "fugly" and a divine "perfect." And remember, we don't rate anyone a 1 because that's not just rude, it's fucking immoral...
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1- You should not rate girls a 1 as these are the physically disabled and geriatric women. 2- These are girls that are so ugly it be rude to rate them on their beauty, but you’d not want to be seen in public even without having sex. 3- Just below average, a girl from work you’d carpool with and grab coffe and not be embarrassed to be seen with her but wouldn’t cross your mind to get a boner. The kind of girl you’d wife up if you was down bad and wanted a girl that’s treat you very well even if you was bummin. She just happy to be getting dick that don’t smell bad. 4- Slightly above average girls that are enough to give you a boner, hot enough you wouldn’t mind having people think you are sleeping with her, but this girl would have to work HARD to earn wife status. 5- Unrealistic perfection. Girls you’d wife up very FAST if the were virgins and sweet amenable girls pursuing you. Girls that you’d like to be seen with and would hope people think you sleep together. Girls that truly have access to immense levels of scare resources and exclusive locations solely because of her beauty. Girls that say “oops my car ran out of oil” and some simp buys them a new car… (Actual story of my friend) I think the 2-5 scale is ideal as it doesn’t allow for an average rating because no one ever wants to rate below average but this forces you to choose from above or below average (no such thing as on the money 50/50 average… above or below 50% rating) and it accounts for a second notch below average (fugly) and for a second notch beyond above average (perfect)… and 1 exists but we don’t rate girls 1s because that’s rude and immoral.
Look at deepseek vs chatgpt Efficiency vs overspending
A lot isn’t fully understood. However if it is valid. It is well deserved. 10 million dollar startup goes against a 6.6 billion dollar startup. This relates to lifestyle design as you dont always need to go all out. The 400 dollar party vs the 40000 dollar party can achieve different results. However if you focus on your list, creating a fun comfortable environment and keep good vibes. No one is gonna get angry and say why you only have pizza I eat A5 wagyuu only.
New comment 7d ago
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kinda bummed I deleted my comment about deep seek being state backed and way more funded than they portrayed it to be... Stolen tech... Looks like that's starting to come out.
1-10 of 851
Kyle Mullaney
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Passion, Performance, Perfection...

Active 12h ago
Joined Feb 21, 2023
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