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218 contributions to Men of Action Forum
Man shows off one of his many KKK robes...
Daryl Davis was once an aspiring and successful musician. He had played with Chuck Berry, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Muddy Waters. However, his true claim to fame, the legacy he has forged came in a very different way. He went out of his way to befriend KKK Grand wizard, Roger Kelly. He spent years building trust between them and laying the foundation of what became a friendship. They broke bread at each other’s tables. They welcomed each other into their homes. Davis even went as far attending Klan rallies as a guest of Kelly. Most importantly, Davis cultivated an atmosphere of listening. He didn’t hate Kelly because Kelly hated him. Instead he listened to Roger Kelly. And eventually, Kelly started listening to him. This lead to the two realizing they had far more in common than not. In the end, Kelly denounced his ties to the KKK. So much so, he handed his hood and robe to Daryl Davis. In total, Davis has seen over 200 klan members walk away from the KKK and hand over their robes and hoods to Daryl. Daryl Davis is a world changer. Replacing hate with love. Because love conquers hate... every time.
New comment 2h ago
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Don't be like Doug. Be like Daryl. Take action.
Hey guys, I recently lost my job and I’m done with going into work for people and want to create something of my own. I currently have about nearly 2k in the bank and waiting on my final checks from the last company. I’m good at shooting photos and I’ve thought about shooting photos for models in my area, but don’t have good planning or messaging skills from being scammed. I have some skill in making videos and posting them from 1-3 videos. I am planning on posting my first video tonight on YouTube just to get started. And last question, I need a personal development coach really badly and I was wondering if there is anyone in the Richmond area anyone knows of? Anyone have any other advice for me? TY
New comment 17h ago
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If you are gong to get into video editing for an affiliate programs check out Hillier Smith.
Dan Blizerian
I just started listening to the audio Book "The Setup" of Dan Blizerian ...
New comment 1d ago
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The Setup deserves for you to get the print version if any of the books on the list do. You gotta see the pictures of what he is talking about. Great book.
How do you sleep?
I have had an issue for about 10 years now. I cannot sleep, often I use legal THC or a trip to the gym, that lets me sleep. Tonight, no go, I just keep thinking about how I am a failure, about how I cannot Get laid and how there has never been a woman in my bed. So I wake up or I toss and turn, and end up sleeping on my couch. I only sleep in my own bed once a week, If I could get laid. I can sleep. How exactly do I start to address this? I know it affects my mental health, my physical health, and probably adds to the depression.
New comment 23h ago
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I use a nebulizer I got off amazon (essential oil mister with no water) and diffuse lavender oil in my room as I wind down for the night. linalool is one of the terpenes that makes indica strains very heavy (wink). I use eucalyptus oil in the morning to wake me up and open up my lungs.
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As for the other part of the issue, there is no short cut to becoming the person that other men would want to be and women want desperately to fuck. If it was easy then everyone would be that dude and then he wouldn't be special. You want to be special and enjoy the benefits, then let's go earn that life! It will take 1-2 years if you are consistent. accepting that you are responsible for your current situation is a powerful first step, then once the self pity is out of your way you can make great progress on more than just your weight, but your mindset. Do you have $1,000 and 1 week you can take off of work in the next few months? Try going to Africa to volunteer and get some great travel pics and pics of you volunteering. Plus you will come back and feel different about not having a girl. Some kids out there don't have parents anymore. Those kids get so much joy from just the smallest of things in life.
What I learned from "THE SETUP"
I really enjoyed this book. I was talking to another member about it. So I figured to share and what most of us trying to create and accomplish. It all makes a lot of sense. One piece of advice from Dan Bilzerian that often surfaces is his emphasis on living a life that is genuinely fulfilling and true to one's desires, rather than conforming to societal expectations or norms. He advocates for personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness, which can be seen in the way he chooses to live his life—unapologetically and on his own terms. Bilzerian's approach to relationships with women often reflects his broader philosophy of pleasure and indulgence. He suggests that individuals should seek out relationships that make them happy and that they should be honest about their intentions from the outset. Transparency and directness, according to Bilzerian, can prevent misunderstandings and set the foundation for mutually satisfying interactions. What are your takeaways from the book or podcast of Dan?
New comment 20m ago
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My take: What does the millionaire playboy ant in the end after all his success? Quality relationships and a sense of fulfillment by helping others. Things you don't need crazy amount of money to enjoy. And stop trying so hard on IG posts, or at least don't look like you are trying so hard.
1-10 of 218
Kyle Mullaney
4points to level up
Passion, Performance, Perfection...

Active 2h ago
Joined Feb 21, 2023
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