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Attractive Nigerian girls
How do you find really good looking girls in West Africa? Nigeria to be precise! The population seems to be mid at best
New comment 5m ago
Want to do a group call with MOA members? Like this post.
I’ll DM you and set up a group call on the weekend.
New comment 2h ago
Social media relationships
I have discovered something I have noticed for quite some time well in theory I’m still testing it out to see the out come of it, more so the predicting the future of relationship's. but if a guy has more pictures with his girlfriend I think or (guarantee) that relationship isn’t gonna last granted she will probably have at least 5 or 6 pictures with him and her status says in a relationship but is she truly in a relationship? Woman are great at advertising themselves on social media then men but what does it say about that relationship if he has 30 or more pictures with his current girlfriend and she only has 6? Or am I wrong? 🤔
New comment 6h ago
An exercise for you … 
This exercise is about making friends with celebrities. Write down a list of 5 celebrities or influencers that you would love to meet. People you would totally “fanboy” over. Now look up those celebrities online. Try to find some hobby, interest, or passion of theirs that most people DON’T know about them. Or at least, don’t immediately associate with them. Take our own Michael Sartain, for example. Ask him about hosting bikini competitions or dating Instagram models with 1M+ followers. He’ll chuckle, give you some rote rapport-breaking answer, and end the conversation. He will probably forget about you as soon as you leave his eyesight. But try talking to Michael about basketball. Or evolutionary psychology. Or astronomy. He will light up like a Christmas tree, talk your ear off, and probably ask YOU for YOUR Instagram so he can follow YOU. Take Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s probably tired of talking about Titanic, the candle in his ass, or dumping every girlfriend at age 25. But if you follow his Twitter, it’s all environmental activism. What do you think you should chat Leo up about? Fake-plowing Margot Robbie on the bed made of money like every sperg does? Or stopping climate change? When dealing with a celebrity, one of the BEST rapport-breaks is to ask them about something they’re interested in … that NO ONE ELSE ever asks them about. Post your lists of celebrities in the comments below. Help each other brainstorm.
New comment 7h ago
What are some icebreakers or conversation starters you use in high-status social settings?
This is one of the biggest hurdles I've seen guys struggle with, so let's throw some ideas and examples for everyone to benefit from. I'll start with my favourite ones: High-status man: "Hey boss, good to meet you! Are you also here just for the free food?" Attractive woman: "I swear you are the worst girlfriend ever! You don't call, you don't visit, and you just left me to take care of the dog all by myself. I'm breaking up with you." I particularly like to use humour as an icebreaker, but it does take delivering it with the right tonality and body language for it to work. Also, be calibrated enough to know when humour would actually be appropriate. Let's see yours!
New comment 7h ago
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Men of Action Forum
A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain.
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