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Status Accelerator Call is happening in 4 days
Coming to Vegas in August for work?
Might be coming to Vegas for work in August. Any tips?
Reels with guitar
Over a period of time I want to post a few reels of me playing guitar on instagram. A number of these would be me playing parts of some songs I've recorded in a band previously but I would be playing them on an acoustic guitar. Has anyone done anything like this and have any suggestions?
New comment 9h ago
Deep understanding
In the five leveles of events. Ther is like poker, or gambling? Or just putting two competitors and te winner is going to get rewarded from the creature of that event?
How to take social media photos if you don't have someone to take your photos
I do not have a tripod how can I take social media photos
New comment 14h ago
Trying my own method of step 1: fixing insta
I have a hard time following rules and steps. So i thoughts, is there anyway for me to skip taking bunch of cool photos and skip straight to pics of me with girls for preselection? So I went out outside a bar street. Befriended these lovely people and took a photo 😂 Still working on taking "high status" pics here in Miami though 👍 Is my insta fixed yet btw? It still doesn't look that good to me for some reason @joywu__
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New comment 14h ago
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