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Status Accelerator Call is happening in 3 days
Vote which photo is best 🙏📸📸📸
Really excited to post this photo. Let me know which one you think is the best :) I previously learned it's best to choose the one with most compliance but not sure which one has it. Also, do you think I should face app this photo or no?
17 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
Vote which photo is best 🙏📸📸📸
Instagram feedback
I've been working on improving my skills on taking pictures and posting on Instagram. The locations will improve in time as I travel more. Right now I'm focused on getting good enough at taking pics so I get great pics when I'm at better locations. Looking for feedback overall. Also wondering if I post multiple pics from a single location should I tag the location (most recently a casino) for all the pics or just one?
Has anyone in this group hired a VA to help with all the open thread invites?
New comment 10h ago
Grid Worthy
Sup fellas, wanted your input on the Best Photo
New comment 24h ago
Grid Worthy
How the heck do y'all arrange free photoshoots (what's in it for the model)?
I always wondered what's in it for the models when you guys throw shoots. Aren't they used to getting paid for modelling? Why would they do it for free? I'm a long-time photographer, but only now getting into doing "photoshoots". Started doing some shoots with female friends, just to have cool stuff to show. I have decent/cool visual evidence. When I contact others with the examples, they seem quite excited at initial message. When I give the details it kind of fizzles out. The details include that it's an exchange (they get pics/vids, we build up our portfolio). Mind you no actual rejections, though I'm not contacting complete random people, we're in the same industry, and I might be reading too much into it, but it goes from excitement to "we'll talk more after I'm back, on vacation now" with a bunch of smileys, so still positive, just not as excited.
New comment 1d ago
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