I’m completely non-partisan and I don’t support any politicians, and I’m not very political, but I’ve seen a lot of people talk about “Make America Great Again” and “Make America Healthy Again,” so I decided to come up with my own similar phrase and meme that I think is funny and has some truth to it. GET AMERICA LAID AGAIN! I’ve noticed over the last few decades that people in the U.S. have been having way less sex than they used to, and a lot of people seem to have way lower sex drives than before. I remember growing up in the early 2,000’s and people were having a lot more sex back then lol. You can find different articles online that talk about different research and theories as to why this is, but in my opinion, I think it’s because of how people misuse or overuse modern technology like social media, more people being too busy and overworked and don’t have much time for a social life and sex life with our modern hustle culture, the stress and pace of the modern world, modern radical feminism, social engineering, more people living unhealthy lifestyles and looking less physically attractive, certain environmental factors like toxic chemicals in our food, water, and air, lower sex drives, lower testosterone levels, and probably some other factors as well. But either way, we need to GET AMERICA LAID AGAIN! 🤣