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Created by Garrett

High Ticket Product-Market Fit

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Helping B2B coaches and consultants create product-market fit for their high ticket offer to reach consistent $10K-$20K months

High Ticket Accelerator

Private ā€¢ 8 ā€¢ Paid

High Ticket Accelerator Group Program, enter email to validate purchase


The Skool Games

Private ā€¢ 17.3k ā€¢ Free

Skool Community

Public ā€¢ 116.3k ā€¢ Paid

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public ā€¢ 11.5k ā€¢ Free

25 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Which traffic source is your main focus?
397 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
Which traffic source is your main focus?
2 likes ā€¢ 16d
1 like ā€¢ 16d
@Fernando Goncalves I'll send you a DM
Why 95% Can't Make $10,000/month Online
New video! Check it out by clicking here: And let me know what you think in the comments. Happy to help further if needed.
New comment May 28
Why 95% Can't Make $10,000/month Online
1 like ā€¢ May 14
Product market fit ftw
Can I make some free thumbnails for you as practice?
Hey Synthesizers, right now I'm just trying to practice making thumbnails and improve my skills so I could increase my portfolio. I'm not charging for any of the thumbnails, in fact, you don't even need to use the ones I make for you, I just want practice because I'll probably do thumbnails for a few freelance gig's and use them for my own videos. Here's some of my work I've done so far, again, I'm not charging you, and you don't even need to use the thumbnails I make. I just want some practice.
New comment May 2
Can I make some free thumbnails for you as practice?
0 likes ā€¢ Apr 30
Hey Gabriel, Iā€™ll send you a DM man
How To Turn Yourself Into A Business (1-Person Business Model)
Check it out:
New comment May 23
How To Turn Yourself Into A Business (1-Person Business Model)
4 likes ā€¢ Apr 30
Let's go with the google docs letter formatšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜¤
How I Survived and Achieved my First $10K Month
I ran an inconsistent lead generation agency for 11 months, never scraping above $5K/month. I pivoted toward lead gen+consulting and made my first $10K month within 10 days this last November - Here are the exact steps I took, with client acquisition strategies, hires, pivots, and timestamps on each major decision I want to take a moment to show gratitude to Andrew! He is one of the first YouTuber's I watched that inspired me to go down the path of entrepreneurship. I don't know if I would be here if it wasn't for him and his videos. I am sure a lot of you feel the same! This will be a long post. If you donā€™t like to read details or specifics, best that you skip this. BUT, for folks who take the time, Iā€™m pretty much revealing all the pieces that took my business from zero to my first $10K Month. Background (Sep 2020) For context, I had my first sales role out of college during COVID, where I was cold calling for a grocery store hardware and software company. This was not a great time for me. I was very avoidant and just dialed all day. It taught me some of the volume needed for cold outreach, but realized this wasnā€™t what I wanted to do. During this time I started my first ecommerce brand on Amazon! Selling footrests for office use. This was my first taste of entrepreneurship. (May 2022) About a year and a half in, I had discovered some of Alex Hormoziā€™s first videos and started to watch Hamza. I realized I wanted more and started to improve my skills and mindset, eventually getting hired at an Amazon Agency for double my salary. It was a great symbiotic relationship as I got to learn more for my Amazon business and the role at the same time. This was my first experience with LinkedIn. I was reaching out to 7, 8, and 9 figure eCommerce brands to set meetings, create proposals, and close clients. The outreach process was all manual and very time consuming, it took me 3-4 hours to send out my daily 20 connection requests and do around 25-50 follow ups. I was working 60 hours+ a week just to create and close enough pipeline. Having to juggle lead gen and closing with the manual processes was a nightmare.
New comment Mar 29
1 like ā€¢ Mar 17
@Sherwin Yawn Haha, sure is, thanks šŸ™ hope you found value in it
1 like ā€¢ Mar 29
@Owen Sheasby Iā€™ve learned this the hard way. When given 6 hours to cut down a tree, spend the first 4 sharpening your axe. There is no good way to sell or market something that nobody wants. Taking the time to develop product has been game changing
1-10 of 25
Garrett Miller
19points to level up
Obsessed with sales, marketing, and self improvement.

Active 8h ago
Joined Feb 3, 2024
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