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Teacherpreneur Support Network

Public • 683 • Free

Teacher Accelerator Program

Private • 88 • Free

18 contributions to Teacherpreneur Support Network
Webinar Preview: Diagnosing Pronunciation
We're hosting Donna Brinton on Wednesday for a webinar on teaching pronunciation. Are you able to make it? You can see the registration link on the Calendar here in TSN - we hope to see you there. As a preview and lead up to that talk, we're happy to share here a handout on the 5-part Communicative Framework and a guide to understanding language barriers in English pronunciation. @Leonardo Gomes put this together and added some reflections from his trip to Brazil. Before getting into the framework, we ask three questions: Question 1: Have you ever experienced a language barrier due to pronunciation differences? Share a specific instance where a mispronunciation led to a humorous or confusing situation. Question 2: For non-native English speakers: What English sound or word do you find most challenging to pronounce, and why? For native speakers: Which sound or word have you noticed non-native speakers often struggle with? Question 3: What do you think is the biggest challenge in learning English pronunciation? You can add your thoughts below to get the conversation started before the webinar. Looking forward to the session on Wednesday.
New comment Jan 23
0 likes • Jan 22
@Tatiana T I actually use them with some students (and I also use them in my own language learning!) - it all depends on what a student enjoys really, but I definitely think that tongue twister help if they're used correctly. You can start off slowly, isolating the target sound, and build up speed as they gain confidence and clarity; the slower pace helps them produce the sound correctly while the faster pace provides a challenge as well as relaxes the muscles while producing the sound - then when they use that sound in a sentence, it comes more naturally.
Welcome to our Newest Members!
Hi folks, Well, we are about to wrap up November with a new group of already-engaged members. Please join me in extending a big community welcome to @Vitórias Farias @Jill Cannon Jones @Ekaterina Bolshakova @Maria Duarte @Carla Carlini @Cindy Johnston @Fabiano Almeida @Elisa Galbusera @Jayne Soh @Sérgio Manuel Rodrigues Junior @Elaine Hill @Gloria Lao Garcia @Cathal Larkin @Najia Memon who recently joined TSN. It's great to have you all on board. For those of you who have not yet done so, please begin by introducing yourself in the Start Here thread in the Community. 👉 Also, don't hesitate to reach out to us (@Andrew Woodbury, @Leonardo Gomes , or @Michael Landry) in the DMs for more support. And remember, we're always excited to work with teacherpreneur-curious language instructors, so spread the word among your networks. Chat soon, Mike
New comment Nov '23
0 likes • Nov '23
Welcome all!!
Hello TSN community! This is Adrian from Spain. I came to know LYE recently and have been following you guys since then. Love what you do! I want to have accountability and support for my business ideas to move from 1:1 sessions and being paid per hour to a more flexible lifestyle, spending time on what I love most: motivation, mindset, listening and pronunciation. My business is called: The Language Potential and I promote a stress-free environment where learners can develop their language skills in a healthy way. I offer coaching sessions, although right now I'm creating a crash course for people to become independent learners To launch the course and offer it first to my former and current learners. As I mentioned before, I'm looking for accountability, support, and any feedback you might want to offer. I'm a newbie in the concept of creating digital courses, but I would be glad to offer my help if anyone needs it. 😉 Ok, that's all from me. See you around! Adrian G.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
more or less, although the accountant who got me started was very keen on helping me hide money and avoid paying for stuff rather than actually helping me declare my taxes, so I have no idea how much of what he did was done correctly and how much was done through a loophole - my new accountant almost cried when he saw the mess the first person had made by not declaring stuff, and I suspect I ended up actually paying more as a result 😅🤦‍♀️
0 likes • Nov '23
No worries about the delay in replying - we're all busy people 🙃 ues for groups you can charge more but it honestly depends what it is you want to do; I would suggest taking your time and going through the modules here to help you develop your product and then go through the process of BETA launches to get a full understanding and also some testimonials. There are plenty of "loopholes" which will allow you to work within the law and declare the tax from extra income while working for a school, and without a partita IVA I'm sure. It sounds like you have a good accountant there 👍🙃
Teacher Accelerator Program Lifetime Access Memberships (Deadline Approaching)
Hi Everyone, Thank you for your ongoing involvement in TSN. While summer continues to heat up, the end of August 31st is the last day to sign up for lifetime access memberships to our Teacher Accelerator Program (TAP). We offer a free trial of our TAP coaching program. You can work 1-1 with Leo, Andrew, and me (Mike) for free for 7 days and get clarity on exactly where you see your business heading in the next 12 months. Sign up by August 31st, 2023, and you qualify for lifetime access. You can join for free right here:
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
As someone who recently joined TAP, I 1,000% recommend it. It's been a game changer for me in terms of professional development on the teaching side of things but also given me more focus, clarity and guidance on the business side of things as well as a great community of teachers to support and get support from. ❤️
Is anyone confident with teaching TOEFL?
I'm searching for a teacher to recommend; the student is an adult male looking for help with TOEFL prep. and the time zone is European. I don't know him personally so I can't say anything about what type of student he is but he's a friend of my student who is really hard-working and motivated!
1-10 of 18
Galina Dhanoon
31points to level up
I specialise in Academic IELTS prep. with a particular focus on writing.

Active 8d ago
Joined Nov 5, 2022
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