Webinar Preview: Diagnosing Pronunciation
We're hosting Donna Brinton on Wednesday for a webinar on teaching pronunciation. Are you able to make it?
You can see the registration link on the Calendar here in TSN - we hope to see you there.
As a preview and lead up to that talk, we're happy to share here a handout on the 5-part Communicative Framework and a guide to understanding language barriers in English pronunciation.
put this together and added some reflections from his trip to Brazil.
Before getting into the framework, we ask three questions:
Question 1: Have you ever experienced a language barrier due to pronunciation differences? Share a specific instance where a mispronunciation led to a humorous or confusing situation.
Question 2: For non-native English speakers: What English sound or word do you find most challenging to pronounce, and why? For native speakers: Which sound or word have you noticed non-native speakers often struggle with?
Question 3: What do you think is the biggest challenge in learning English pronunciation?
You can add your thoughts below to get the conversation started before the webinar.
Looking forward to the session on Wednesday.
Andrew Woodbury
Webinar Preview: Diagnosing Pronunciation
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