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5 contributions to Facilitator Club
Ideas for experiential exercise to open a facilitated conversation about an adaptive challenge?
Hello FC allstars! 👋 I am facilitating a 2 hour convo with 30 folks exploring the impact of the digital divide: "the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy training and those who do not." My instinct is to open with some sort of experience/exercise/simulation (20-30 min total) to help the group experience the frustration/limits 😖 that those without access may experience navigating our digital world. The goal is to raise awareness of, and help participants emotionally connect to the issue. What comes to mind 💡is handing out cards when they come in that outline resources they have access to, and then giving everyone a timed task to complete, with rewards (surfacing the difficulty those without access could experience) Or perhaps setting small groups on a task together and then mid way through taking away a critical tool / blocking their ability to use something they take for granted... Then ending with a debrief -I suppose it doesn't even have to be tech related if I could connect the experience of frustration/limit to the topic afterward - My questions is: Has anyone done a paradigm shifting/awareness raising exercise like this? I'd like to make it as dynamic as possible but my brain 🧠 is coming up short. Any examples used with different topics are welcome 🙏 Just trying to spark my own aha so I can create the conditions for the same surprise/gestalt shift in awareness 🤯 for the group. :) Thanks in advance for any suggestions/examples you can share or point me toward.
New comment Jun 24
1 like • Apr 6
hi @Rachael A may i ask what your main intention is behind this workshop? gaining empathy? —-> there are a lot of those things done regarding accessibility/ handicapped/ people with special needs. you can look into the topic of “universal design” as well. is it about the ability or the lack of ability (e.g. age/ never learned or jist missing out on opportunities)? or do you also want to look into the differences when people are just not into digital services by choice. there are more than you might think in this group. especially younger people. depending on the motivation, i guess the potential exercises would differ quite a lot i can guess. hope this helps?
User Persona/Experience Design
Hello everyone! In addition to the Design Thinking User Persona 'Empathy Map' exercise, what other exercises have you used/can you recommend to define a full E2E UX journey? Context: I am running a workshop for a client within the retail/luxe sector who is undergoing a global HR Transformation and implementing new ai technologies into their current HR Talent stack. Previous workshops (4! 😯) that they have conducted miss both the 'entry point' for each user persona and lack the 'feeling/empathy/engagement' aspect. Personas are within HR, Business, Employee & Candidates Any recommendations or ideas on how to approach this are appreciated! 😁
New comment Apr 10
1 like • Mar 27
i love job to be done. and personality types/ behavioral archetypes over actual personas, as personas reflect more roles by nature but are not good in telling what someone would need to trust or how to get them excited. —> you already mentioned the lack of empathy and emotions to address… this might be why. just as food for thought: end 2 end… customer/ user experience is hard to define with „the end“ in mind. it is not a function nor something you can have done and be „finish“ with it. :-)
0 likes • Apr 3
hi all, as this is my core experience (UX/CX) i highly can recommend to be very careful with interviews when it is getting very specific as mentioned above Quote: ... e.g. what liked / disliked in the customer journey, any points of confusion, too wordy etc in general, if there is a real underlaying issue, not just some usability aspects, you will very likely not get answers you can actually work with. most people can name the obvious, yet not many can name "reasons" or help with solution scope or name the actual problem. what is very effective are observations. see what people actually do. see how many steps they need to re-take. where they do something you do not expect and best of all "workarounds" to beat the system. for the later it needs some trust building. and the promise not to throw employees under the bus, if they actually do something they are not supposed to do to make happen what they think are needed. @Matt Ganson what do you mean with "jobs to do" steps? just from reading it it sounds almost like the opposite to a "job-to-be-done" principle?
The most receptive people to the idea of running/wanting a workshop?
Hey all, me again! I've been wondering about the types of people, roles specifically, that are usually the most interested and receptive to wanting to run a workshop. Not just for purely marketing reasons, I mean, who do you normally see understanding the value and seriously considering a facilitated workshop to solve their problems or provide results? Doesn't matter the niche or type of workshop. For me I noticed founders or startups are pretty receptive to the idea, but they normally don't have a large enough team or budget depending on which stage they are at. But they are always keen to learn more. Another one for my are product managers saying they don't do them enough or the ones they do have in their org are not really 'workshops' but more one-way seminar/trainings. I also have come across different senior management in NGOs or Clubs who would want to get a bunch of different people aligned on something important. What about you? Who do you find yourself having engaging conversations, or selling (kudos) , workshops to?
New comment Apr 3
1 like • Mar 20
@KESHIA from CALI -Kfc 🙏
0 likes • Mar 31
@Ari Rahmati oh, that is nothing more nor less than to clarify expectations about a workshop. in corporate environments you often have workshops associated not with doing actual work. but more with either something nice and entertaining or others doing the work for you with some nice little participation elements. so to make clear you want actually work getting done AND the participants are also in charge and responsible for the outcome can be quite surprising for some :-)
Anyone including facilitation in branding services?
I’m coming from a design background and am interested in running brand strategy workshops using techniques from Facilitation Fundamentails while still providing creative materials. I also am excited by the value of helping teams get unstuck with other internal blockers with facilitation workshops. Has anyone else done brand strategy this way? Is adding internal team facilitation too different? Should that be under a separate brand/ webpage? Thanks for any feedback!
New comment Apr 1
1 like • Mar 26
hi @Trevor Britton maybe i do not get your question right, yet i see 2 very different topics here, depending how you define "branding". In general i would say there are 2 perspectives of branding using design being effective – from outside to inside – from inside out if you have a "classic" brand strategy topic on hand, there is the design part coming more from the design side. (from the surface to shine and unify the inner core via identification and so on) And you have the more "who are we, what do we tell and how" approach, that starts more with mission, tonality, how to speak as a brand and the positioning where you wanna go. (you wanna have the values first and then try to find out how it can possibly look like) both options work and both have their pros and cons... the team topic could be under the first section. or it could be a totally isolated topic yet looking into brand aspects and what this means for corporate culture and so on... what – just from your post – is not clear for me so far: – who you guess will your audience be? – how do you see your role? what do you bring to the table? i did quite some brand/ identity strategy work in a former live. ;-) having this in mind i would also add the following questions: – who owns the brand? – what is expected from the brand? – are values and mission already clear and defined? Hope this helps?
How to get customers to do the interviews?
Hello everyone!, Reaching out to all for your advice/guidance. I'm currently working with 3 startups: 1) First startup is already in the market but needs help re-validating the problem and identifying the right customer profile to work on. 2) The second startup is currently running its beta and wants to evaluate the customer experience and identify the right customer profile to target 3) The third has developed an MVP but wants to do some market discovery to identify the gaps in the market and tailor their solution accordingly. I had a briefing call with all three and we identified the customers to reach out to, in their network, for interviews and also came up with the list of interview questions to ask, but somehow the founders are finding it difficult to get the customers to do the interviews. Nobody seems to be willing to participate in these interviews. My question to you all: 1) What could these founders do differently to get their customers to do these interviews? (In general, how can we convince our customers to do interviews to share their experience with our product or just share their pain points and problem areas) 2) From your experience, how much should I be involved with these startups in doing these interviews? Should I just let them do the interviews and wait for them to come back with the interview notes or should I participate in the interviews which not all of them would be comfortable with? My apologies for the long post but any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Riaz
New comment Mar 26
0 likes • Mar 26
hi @Mohammed Riaz Ahmed for your question no 1: I would say you have 2 questions to answer: A. why is it difficult at all to "convince" customers? how is the current customer-relation-ship? do they have something like pilot customers or test customers they already work with? --> in general, if there is value provided for themself, people really like to help out. --> if it is "just for them" but not for the customer, then it is getting hard, but not only for the interviews but also for the success in the market later on... B. is there a need for "actual" customers, or can it be just a bunch of interested people or potential customers? Why i ask this: they may run into the same issues anyway. and they have a fresh eye, so they are not "trained to suffer"... ;--) for your question no 2: i would say it depends. they should be part of the process and at least listen to the feedback directly (e.g. have a look at recordings directly/ see a live stream, sit in the room next to it and write down the findings during the interviews, if you have the chance for such an setup. if they are not used/ trained to do interviews, they are likely to bias the questions and to tell too much about the product form their point of view. this would actually more a focus group thing. if you wanna have them doing the interviews themself, you should give them a little training how to. including what not to do... Hope this helps, Diana
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