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26 contributions to Facilitator Club
Celebrating In-Person Workshops!
I have facilitated a gazillion virtual workshops over the past four years, but this past Friday I ran my first day-long in-person workshop since February 2020. A team from NYC traveled to my wonderful neighborhood in CT and we had a glorious event and I have been texting with my thrilled client this morning. Phew! It feels like such a huge relief. I wanted to share my celebration with my fellow facilitators. 🙏🏽💙
New comment 17d ago
Celebrating In-Person Workshops!
0 likes • 26d
Congrats, what do you feel is the most striking difference between the two experiences?
0 likes • 21d
@Pattie Belle Hastings Totally agree!
Navigating panic
Hey community. As a fresh facilitator I struggle a lot with what is my exact offer and what are the benefits. It's strange because I have a bunch of workshops recipes but I struggle so much with what is my SPECIFIC offer to the market. The offer needs to be genuine and come from experience as well as fit the market but what market?! I've been getting a lot of compliments on my listening skills and my energy which is basically 50% of the workshop. But answering the question "what do they get out?" Is so daunting. Yeah they feel better but what do they get in their hands, what kind of practical thing will they have that will change their life just a little bit. I had a number of workshops on different topics (for free) and they were all successful. But now that Im becoming a professional my ADHD is going mad. I know fixing the offer is a manageable task but it's also easy to pull hair on it. If you go this far, could you please like this post, I'm trying to get to level 3 to unlock a course 🙏
New comment 3d ago
Navigating panic
0 likes • May 14
@Gordana Rauski In my experience, they are also very conscious of budgets and costs. Maybe they don't measure in profits as outcomes, but definitely have to show that the contributions made to them are producing value.
0 likes • May 17
@Lucia Wang For sure :)
Failing to convert a small following into paid clients
Hey community :) I'm starting out as a facilitator/workshop creator and have difficulty in attracting paid clients. I would be super glad to learn more about successful practises to land a first paid client. Here's the status quo: With a colleague I created a meetup group where we give free workshops that teach Design Thinking. We have given almost 30 workshops on this topic with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. We became super confident in creating and giving workshops and have 700 group members. However, we FAIL to make any money out of it. We tried charging small amounts on meetup and creating a 2 day flagship course, but generated no money and even not really interest. Would be extremely happy about any strategies or tips on how to successfully attract paid clients. Also, I'm a big fan of conversations that create mutual benefits. In exchange to a more in depth strategy or tips on getting clients, I could offer to explain how we built this following on meetup and answer probably all your questions about design thinking. Many thanks in advance!
New comment Jun 22
4 likes • May 16
I would look at a few things: 1. Are you offering too much value in the free workshops? Meaning are they leaving without a need to follow up? You may need to give them a teaser or something that makes them want more. 2. How exactly are you following up after each meetup? Are you sending a survey which could then open up a conversation for more workshops? 3. What kind of people are attending? They may not be the decision makers or the final customer cohorts. I think your strategy is pretty interesting. Would love to learn more. Maybe we can share more insights? Send me DM
Offering a 'downloadable' workshop as an intro offer?
Hey guys, shower thoughts: 🚿 has anyone offered a DIY version of their workshop before? Particularly those who've created there own workshops/frameworks and conduct them virtually. Do you think offering a low-cost way to access a workshop Miro board help or hinder their sales process? Some Pros of this would be that those out of your geographic range can still experience your workshop or there might be in-house facilitators who want to run your special workshop internally, it's also low commitment and could lead to bigger jobs later. Cons would be that if it doesnt provide any outcomes, or the customer doesn't have a good experience with it, it leaves a bad impression and they decide to not interact with your brand again. What do you think? Done this before? Bad idea, good idea?
New comment May 16
1 like • May 14
@Salah Bouchma Curious... In what way?
0 likes • May 16
@Salah Bouchma Yeah I see the logic behind what you're saying and agree with you, but here's my counter for some food for though: 1. You could be getting other facilitators or would-be facilitators that are interested in a workshop you've specially designed and want to have a go at delivering it themselves - getting them to try it out for a reduced price is better than walking away totally, due to budget or time concerns, for example. 2. Lots of services are out there that are DIY vs DWY that don't harm the professional aspect. Here are some examples that come to mind: - Buy hair clippers, scissors etc. and cut your own hair vs go to the salon and get it professionally done. - Wash your car yourself vs professionally cleaned. - Try to diagnose and treat your own medical symptoms vs going to a clinic with a qualified doctor. - Train ChatGPT to write your content vs paying for a professional writer. They all serve the same function and produce similar outcomes, it just depends on the customer's circumstances. In most cases I listed above (personal, not professional scenarios) a customer would try out the less expensive version, realise they didn't get the best result, and then go to the professional version. I know workshops are a different service experience, but I think it's a good thought experiment to think about reducing the barrier to entry.
Road to Leaving the 9-5
Hi everyone - I have been slowing building my facilitation business around my 9-5 job, but am looking to secure enough clients in the next year to officially leave my 9-5. It's an exciting journey, but nerve-wreaking at the same time. A few questions for the group: 1. how long did it take you to excite full-time employment (if you had a full-time job before facilitation work)? 2. What industry to you find your most successful facilitations from? 3. What is your favorite workshop energizer to get the group excited again after lunch?
New comment May 21
Road to Leaving the 9-5
1 like • May 9
Congrats on the move away from the daily rat race. I wish you all the success! For me, I've been working part time while still building my business out. I haven't landed the type of clients I'm after yet. The biggest challenge, for me, has been properly identifying them and then making sure the messaging is on point in all the content I create. This has honestly been a slow-burn iteration and learning process that's taken many months. I think I'm making good progress now as awareness and interest has picked up slowly and can say I'm happy with where I am at the moment, now it's all about generating leads. It also doesnt help that I'm traveling on the move (for personal reasons, not being a Nomad) which makes things very stop-start. So my advice would be to really hone in on who you want to target, make sure your services actually fit that market (for me this was the learning curve), pivot or double down once you think you've got it. Oh and I forgot to mention, depending on how fast you want to become independent, having a good budget for your marketing is key - I wish I had thought about this part the most!
1-10 of 26
Ari Rahmati
8points to level up
Founder of | Innovation workshop and problem-solving facilitation that help businesses grow and scale with confidence.

Active 21d ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
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