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Facilitator Club

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5 contributions to Facilitator Club
User Persona/Experience Design
Hello everyone! In addition to the Design Thinking User Persona 'Empathy Map' exercise, what other exercises have you used/can you recommend to define a full E2E UX journey? Context: I am running a workshop for a client within the retail/luxe sector who is undergoing a global HR Transformation and implementing new ai technologies into their current HR Talent stack. Previous workshops (4! šŸ˜Æ) that they have conducted miss both the 'entry point' for each user persona and lack the 'feeling/empathy/engagement' aspect. Personas are within HR, Business, Employee & Candidates Any recommendations or ideas on how to approach this are appreciated! šŸ˜
New comment Apr 10
1 like ā€¢ Mar 29
2 likes ā€¢ Mar 31
Thanks Holly, definitely a need to listen to users and not create what they think they should be.. and the personas need to be intentional as these are the key users of the technology, and adding in the context of luxury brand and empathy. I have deep dive time with client next week to determine situation and what to do next. šŸ¤”
Hei from Belgium
Greetings from Ghent. I have always enjoyed facilitating (games, workshops, talks, ...) and look forward to continuously improve my skill. I'm excited to meet & share with peers in this community.
New comment Mar 7
0 likes ā€¢ Mar 6
Your Thoughts - When Exercises Don't Go As Planned
Hi Everyone! What do you do whenever an exercise doesn't go over the way you had hoped or some technical aspect of what you had planned fails in some way? For instance, I was conducting an ideation session using sticky notes and the notes just weren't sticking (i.e. they were falling down). I had done something similar to this before without issues. This situation in particular created a funny moment but it also slightly impeded being able to move forward with what I had planned (i.e. everyone being able to organize their ideas, vote, etc.). Is there an alternative to using sticky notes that would work better somehow? Thanks for your thoughts!
New comment Apr 7
3 likes ā€¢ Mar 6
I was once confronted with a very rustic and non-stick red-brick wall 'location'.. whiteboards & flip charts were confirmed but did not materialize.. so, we used the floor...:) It worked very well. Another alternative is to use a table/desk if possible.
Hello from Colorado!
Hello fellow facilitators! I'm Martin, a Canadian hailing from Denver. I've been facilitating leadership development workshops for the last 15 years. I joined recently and I'm really glad to have found this community, as being a sole master facilitator in one's organization can be isolating sometimes. I look forward to exchange ideas, seek out collaboration opportunities and find ways to support the community! Cheers! šŸ”ļøšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ā„ļø
New comment Jun 22
1 like ā€¢ Mar 6
Hi Martin, am also a solo facilitator. Happy to share.
Using 'How Might We' - a game changer!
Little success story from today, I wanted to share. I had a meeting booked today with a few people from a team who were experiencing some challenges. Previously it would have just been a chat, and I would have taken notes.. and then probably designed another session to work out what they could do.. BUT I decided to change it up.. in that 'meeting' I changed it to a workshop, I explained I wanted them to identify their challenges and then we reframed them as 'How Might We' questions.. which then led to some great discussion and excellent ideas for possible solutions. This all happened in 30 minutes!! This is definitely the way to go from now on!
New comment Apr 26
1 like ā€¢ Mar 6
Great way to tackle the endless and not outcome meetings. Well done!
1-5 of 5
Ruth Callaghan
5points to level up
HR professional +20 years building & implementing practical & sustainable People Strategies, connecting the dots with the business strategy.

Active 9d ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
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