Rachael Acello
Ideas for experiential exercise to open a facilitated conversation about an adaptive challenge?
Ideas for experiential exercise to open a facilitated conversation about an adaptive challenge?
Hello FC allstars! 👋 I am facilitating a 2 hour convo with 30 folks exploring the impact of the digital divide: "the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy training and those who do not."
My instinct is to open with some sort of experience/exercise/simulation (20-30 min total) to help the group experience the frustration/limits 😖 that those without access may experience navigating our digital world. The goal is to raise awareness of, and help participants emotionally connect to the issue.
What comes to mind 💡is handing out cards when they come in that outline resources they have access to, and then giving everyone a timed task to complete, with rewards (surfacing the difficulty those without access could experience) Or perhaps setting small groups on a task together and then mid way through taking away a critical tool / blocking their ability to use something they take for granted... Then ending with a debrief -I suppose it doesn't even have to be tech related if I could connect the experience of frustration/limit to the topic afterward -
My questions is: Has anyone done a paradigm shifting/awareness raising exercise like this? I'd like to make it as dynamic as possible but my brain 🧠 is coming up short.
Any examples used with different topics are welcome 🙏 Just trying to spark my own aha so I can create the conditions for the same surprise/gestalt shift in awareness 🤯 for the group. :)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/examples you can share or point me toward.
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