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Facilitator Club

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44 contributions to Facilitator Club
Q&A calls paused for a now
Hey Workshoppers! Happy new year!! After a good, long holiday break, the AJ&Smart team and I have decided to pause doing the weekly Q&A calls in this community. Though we LOOOOVE doing them and they've been super fun, we're just too small of a team to keep up the call schedule here and the more intense call schedule in our Workshopper Master community. Over the last few months we've slowly increased the amount of calls we do in that community (practice sessions, marketing sessions etc) and we've simply run out of people in AJ&Smart who are not already in coaching sessions or doing client work! We're going to now rethink how we can still bring some free "live" value to the FC community while also making sure we don't stretch ourselves too thin. We'll still be contributing and moderating this community though, so looking forward to continuing our chats here. Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Jan 16
Q&A calls paused for a now
2 likes • Jan 7
We could organize local networking events by the community for the community. I’d be up to organize one in Berlin
Ice Breakers for Developers?
Ideas for a simple ice breaker for a session with a large group of developers, from both India and North America ... would be fun if it was software development related but I don't know enough about it.
New comment Dec '23
3 likes • Dec '23
Hi Michelle – what’s the content of the session about? Ideally, an icebreaker ties in with the topic of the session and is also short enough not to take too much time away from the main agenda. If people don’t know each other well, building connectedness is a great approach. I’ve listed 3 ways to do this in a technical environment here The question card exercise, for example, works really well. If you like it, you can then adapt it to the session content.
1 like • Dec '23
@Michelle Todd Something super quick: At the begin of the session, ask them "What is one word that comes to mind when you hear UX?" Will be interesting what that means to developers. I believe Figma has a way to add those comments on a board. That way, people are already in the tool and warmed up to talk about the topic. Works especially well in online settings because people already have something to do while you are waiting for everyone to arrive
How to get started without facilitation experince?
Hi everyone, perhaps a silly question, but there might be others with the same problem 😅 I just finished the Fundamentals course and facilitated a few workshops at my company (which I am planning to leave soon) but looking for a new job in facilitation is not that easy because they are usually looking for some experience in a candidate. I’ve been working in sales combined with learning & development for quite some time now, but switching to IT environments and scrum/agile need for facilitators requires quite a bit more than fundamentals course. What would be your advice to take next steps in order to switch my career successfully? Thank you so much for any tips and tricks :) Books, courses, jobs description - anything 🤩 Btw, I am from the Netherlands, if there’s anyone else from Dutchland and willing to get in touch I’d be happy to chat. Hope it’s not against the rules ☺️🍀💫🙌
New comment 4d ago
3 likes • Dec '23
Facilitation is as much of a skill as it is a job position. I’m not working as a facilitator right now, but I’m still building my facilitation skills by running workshops in my role as engineering leader. Perhaps there’s a way to combine your current skills in sales and L&D and mix in facilitation? Facilitation is a super power no matter your current role.
How to facilitate connections BEFORE a cohort-based course?
I am currently working with a client to create some ways up to 60 participants can connect with each other BEFORE they join a 10-day virtual leadership training. Here are some ideas I am thinking about, but more importantly: I am super curious if you have experienced or applied a cool idea that you're willing to share i the comments 🙏 🙂 1. Miro Profile Wall Set up a digital whiteboard where all participants can add their profile and browse who else is attending. I am envisioning adding a photo (or an avatar), their social links and answering a few questions about themselves. If you have examples of something like this or similar, please post them below. 2. Onboarding Bingo Create 12 challenges that need to be completed before the first session on a Bingo card. Challenges like: create your profile in the community, comment on someone else's post, send a message to someone, add the sessions to your calendar etc. I have done this several times, but extended the challenges throughout the whole cohort, so we announced winners at the very end. 3. Collective Art Piece I am not exactly sure what technology I would use for this, but I an thinking of a mosaic of individual drawings that create something larger. If this reminds you of something, please let me know. What other ideas do you have?
New comment Dec '23
2 likes • Dec '23
This might work for the collective art piece
[Video] How to run a Team Retrospective
Hey Workshopper’s! We just published a 2 hour session showing you exactly how to use the Sailboat exercise to run a team retrospective. It’s exhaustively detailed and do please let us know if you want more like this in the comments. We’re always trying new things! Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Oct '23
[Video] How to run a Team Retrospective
2 likes • Oct '23
Thanks for the video. Would love to see a strategy session explained
1-10 of 44
Claus Höfele
325points to level up
Aligning Teams, Tech, and Outcomes

Active 119d ago
Joined May 26, 2023
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